Equine Radiology

  1. When taking radiographs, how should a horse be positioned?
    Standing squarely to evenly distribute weight
  2. Why would a wooden blcok be used in radiology?
    To ensure a clear picture of the distal phalanx by elevating the hoof up to a level that the radiograph machine can detect
  3. What is the cassette tunnel used for?
    To protect the cassette and maintain the horses weight
  4. What is the cassette tunnel made of? Why?
    Plexiglas because it is radiolucent and will not interfere with the radiograph image
  5. What tool is used to radiograph the distal sesamoid bone?
    Navicular box
  6. How does the cassette holder benefit the tech when performing a radiograph?
    Provides for greater distance from the animal and primary beam
  7. What are the 7 radiographic carpal views?
    • Dorsopalmar
    • Lateromedial
    • Dorsolateral-Palmaromedial Oblique
    • Dorsomedial-Palmarolateral Oblique
    • Flexed Lateromedial
    • Dorsoproximal 60 Degree-Dorsodistal Oblique
    • Dorsoproximal 20 Degree-Dorsodistal Oblique
  8. What is the proper positioning of the radiography machine in dorsopalmar view, and where is the cassette placed?
    The radiology machine is placed parallel to the ground on the dorsal side of the limb w/ the primary beam centered on the carpal bones.  The cassette is on the plantar surface of the carpals.
  9. What is the proper positioning of the radiology machine in a lateromedial carpal view, and where is the cassette placed?
    The radiology machine is placed parallel to the ground w/ the primary beam centered on the lateral aspect of the carpal bones. The cassette is placed on the medial aspect of the carpal bones.
  10. What is the proper positioning of the radiology machine in the dorsomedial-palmarolateral oblique view, and where is the cassette placed?
    The radiology machine is placed parallel to the ground w/ the primary beam centered on the carpal bones, 30 degrees off true mediolateral projection.  The cassette is placed on the palmarolateral aspect of the carpals.
  11. What is the proper positioning of the radioligy machine in a dorsolateral-palmaromedial oblique view, and where is the cassette placed?
    The radiology machine is placed parallel to the ground w/ the primary beam centered on the carpal bones, 30 degrees off true lateromedial projection.  The cassette is placed on the palmaromedial aspect of the carpals.
  12. What is the proper positioning of the radiology machine in the flexed lateromedial view, and where is the cassette placed?
    Parallel to the ground, centered on space b/w the proximal and distal row of carpal bones.  The cassette is on the medial aspect of the carpals.
  13. How should the limb be positioned in the flexed mediolateral, dorsoproximal 60 degree-dorsodistal and dorsoproximal 20 degree-dorsodistal views?
    • Flex limb 60 degrees w/ the metacarpals parallel to the ground and the radius perpendicular with the ground.
    • Push carpal joint cranially while maintaining parallel to ground
Card Set
Equine Radiology
Positioning, restraint, radiographic aids