head_neck muscles.txt
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broad fanshaped muscle of mastication-found superior to the zygomatic arch
temporalis muscle
orgin of the risorius muscle
the fascia superficial to the wasseter muscle
action of the orbicularis oris muscle
1.close the lips
2.purse the lips
insertion of the muscle of facial expressions
on the dermis of the skin
insertion of corrugator supercilii muscle
in the skin tissue of the eyebrow
define: muscles of facial expression
paired muscles in the superfical fascia of the facial tissue
origin of the muscle of facial expression
surface of the skull bone
muscle of facial expression-forms the anterior portion of the cheek(lateral wall of the oral cavity)
buccinator muscle
origin of the depressor labii inferioris
lower border of the mandible
origin: temporalis muscle
entire temporal fossa
insertion of temporalis muscle
at the coronoid process of the mandible
action of the temporalis muscle
raises the lower jaw
insertion: levator labii superioris alaque nasi
tissue of the ala of the nose and upper lip
from the neck to the mouth covering the anterior cervicle triangle
platysma muscle
origin/insert/action: platysma muscle
: skin tissue superficial to the clavicle and shoulder
: lower border of the mandible and muscles surrounding the mouth
: pulls the corner of the mouth down
origin/insertion/action: mentalis muscle
: mandible near midline
: skin tissue of the chin
: raises the chin;lips protrude;narrow the oral vestibule
4 pairs of muscles of mastication-attached to mandible
3.medial pterygoid
4.lateral pterygoid
movement accomplished when muscles contract
the more moveable structure
least moveable end
smile muscle-medial to the "major" muscle
zygomaticus minor muscle
origin/insertion/action: zygomatic major muscle
o:@ the zygomatic bone lateral to the zygomatic minor muscle
i:skin tissue at the angle of the mouth
a:elevates the upper lip and pulls it laterally-smile
the zygomatic major muscle contracts with the orbicularis oculi muscle
orgin/insert/action: zygomaticus minor muscle
o:body of the zygomatic bone
i:skin of the upper lip-adjacent to the levator labii superious muscle
a:assist in smiling
thin ribbon like muscle in the mouth region
risorius muscle(risoius-ribbon)
orgin/insertion/action: risorius muscle
: fascia superficial to the masseter msucle
: skin tissue at the angle of the mouth
a:retracts commisure of the mouth back-smile/grimace
triangular muscle in the lower mouth region
depressor anguli oris muscle
origin/insert/action: depressor anguli oris
o:the lower border of the mandible
i:skin @ the angle of the mouth
a:depresses the angle of the mouth-frown
the occipital belly and the _____ belly can act independently
origin/insert: occipital belly
o:@ occipital bone and mastoid process of temporal bone
i:epicranial aponeurosis
origin/insert/action: masseter muscle
o:anterior 2/3 of the lower border of the zygomatic arch
a:raises lower jaw
nerve intervention of the muscles of facial expression
C-VII/facial nerve
the largest group of facial muscles is associated with the ____ region
the 2 ends of each muscle
7 groups of the head/neck muscles
1. cervical2. facial expression 3. mastication
4. hyoid muscle 5. tongue 6. soft palate 7. pharynx
cervical muscles include:
sternocleoidmastoid muscle
trapezius muscle
origin/action: levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
o:frontal process of the maxilla
a:elevates the upper lip and ala of the nose-sneezing
origin/insert/action: epicranial muscle
o:@ the epicranial apoeurosis
i:skin tissue of the eyebrow and root of the nose
a:raise eyebrows and scalp as in surprise
2 bellies of the epicranial muscle
muscle/tendon that forms 1 layer of the scalp
shapes and controls the size of the mouth opening
orbicularis oris muscle
origin/insert/actin: orbicularis oris muscle
o:encircles the mouth
i:skin at the angle of the mouth.
a:control the mouth opening
muscle that encircles the eye
orbicularis oculi muscle
protects and moistens the eye
orbicularis oculi muscle
origin/action: orbicularis oculi muscle
o:the orbital rim, nasal process of frontal bone
a:closes/squents the eye
o/i/a: mylohyoid muscle
o:mylohyoid line on the inner surface of the mandible
i:forms the floor of the mouth
a:elevates the hyoid bone-depresses mandible-form floor of the mouth
muscle deep to the depressor anguli oris
depressor labii inferoris muscle
action: buccinator muscle
pull the angle of the mouth laterally and shortens the cheek.
o/i/a: trapezius muscle
o:external surface of occipital bone and posterior midline of cervical and thorax
i:lateral 1/3 of the clavicle and protions of the scapula
a:lifts clavicle and scapula-shrugg shoulders
nerve of intervention of the trapezius muscle
origin: buccinator muscle
alveolar process of upper
alveolar process of lower
pterygomandibular raphe
i/a:depressor labii inferioris
i:skin tissue of the lower lip
a:depresses the lower lip exposing the mand incisor teeth-irony
o/a:corrugator supercilii muscle
o:frontal bone in the supraorbital region
a:wrinkle forehead/frown
o:medial protion of clavical
i:posterior and inferior to the external acoustic meatus of each ear
a:neck bends to the same side and face rotates to the opposite side
nerve of intervention of SCM
C-II or accessory nerve
o/i/a:stylohyoid muscle
o:styloid process of the temporal bone
i:body of hyoid bone
o/i:sternothyroid muscle
o:posterior surface of sternum at level of 1st rib
i:on thyroid cartlidge
o/i/a:hyoid muscle
: at hyoid bone
a:assist in mastication and swallowing
short thick muscle-medial to the mental nerve in the mouth region
mentalis muscle
o/i/a:lateral pterygoid muscle
o:superior-greater wing of the sphenoid bone -- inferior-latural pterygoid plate
i:(unite)on the anterior surface of the neck
a:lower the jaw(inferior) bring jaw forward(both)
2 heads of orgin of the lateral pterygoid muscle
1. superior
2. inferior
o/i/a: medial ptertgoid muscle
o:pterygoid fossa
i:medial surface of the angle of the mandible
a:raises lower jaw
a: muscles of mastication
a: closing jaw-grinding movement in jaw-shifting jaw to one side
suprahyoid muscle is divided into what 2 groups
1.anterior supra
2.posterior supra
elevates hyoid bone and larynx during swallowing
suprahyoid muscle
divided:anterior belly of digastric muscle and geniohyoid muscle
anterior suprahyoid
divided:posteriro belly digastoic muscle and stylohyoid muscle
posterior suprahyoid
o/i/a: geniohyoid muscle
o:medial surface of the mandible
i:body of the hyoid bone
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head_neck muscles.txt
head_neck muscles
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