
  1. What were 3 main difficulties in South that Reconstruction needed to address?
    • 1) Many farms/cities/railroads were destroyed
    • 2) Financial system destroyed (Confederate $ worthless)
    • 3) Society changed: before: white/slaves, now: freedmen with no land/job/education.
  2. What did Congress think of Lincoln's 10% Plan?
    It was too generous to the South
  3. Who were the authors of and what were the names of the 4 Reconstruction Plans?
    • 1) Lincoln's 10% Plan
    • 2) Moderate Republicans' Wade-Davis Bill
    • 3) Johnson's Presidential Reconstruction
    • 4) Radical Republicans' Reconstruction Acts
  4. What was the Freemen's Bureau?
    • A law that provided 
    • 1) food, 2) clothing, 3) medical care, 4) help finding jobs and 5) helped set-up public schools.
  5. What was the 13th Amendment?
    Abolished slavery
  6. What was the 14th Amendment?
    All persons born or naturalized in the U.S. are citizens.
  7. What is the 15th Amendment?
    All U.S. citizens are guaranteed the right to vote.
  8. Who was Hiram Revels?
    First African-American elected to the U.S. Senate (served a partial term).
  9. Who was Blanche K. Bruce?
    Second African-American elected to the U.S. Senate (first to serve a whole term).
  10. What is amesty?
    A pardon or forgiving for offenses.
  11. When was Lincoln assassinated?
    He was shot on April 14th, 1865 and died the next day.
  12. Who assassinated President Lincoln?
    John Wilkes Booth (a southern actor)
  13. Who became president when Lincoln was assassinated?
    Andrew Johnson, the Vice President.
  14. Why was Congress unhappy with Johnson's Reconstruction Plan?
    • 1) Former Confederate leaders were elected to Congress,
    • 2) African-Americans could not vote
    • 3) Black Codes
  15. What were the Black Codes?
    • Southern laws restricting the rights of Freedmen, such as they couldn't vote, own guns, or serve on juries. 
    • The codes did allow legal marriage and ownership of property.
  16. Who was Thaddeus Stevens?
    Radical Republican leader in the House of Representatives.
  17. Who was Charles Sumner?
    Radical Republican leader in the Senate.
  18. What does impeach mean?
    To bring formal charges of wrongdoing against an elected official.
  19. Was President Andrew Johnson impeached by Congress?
    Yes, the House of Repr. voted to impeach him, but the Senate fell one vote short of removing him from office.
  20. Who became president in 1868?
    General Ulysses S. Grant.
  21. During Radical Reconstruction, what 3 groups came to power in the South?
    • 1) Carpetbaggers
    • 2) Scalawags, and
    • 3) Freedmen
  22. What is a Carpetbagger?
    • A northerner who went to the south during reconstruction
    • 1) to make money or 
    • 2) to help with reforms
  23. What is a scalawag?
    A southern "traitor" who supported the new southern government.
  24. What is a freedman?
    An African-American who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation.
  25. During Radical Reconstruction, what 2 groups in the south opposed the changes?
    • 1) Conservatives, and
    • 2) Secret societies like the Ku Klux Klan.
  26. Who were the Conservatives?
    Southerners who wanted the south to change very little.
  27. What was the Ku Klux Klan?
    A secret society founded in 1866 that terrorized African-Americans and their supporters in the south.
  28. What was a share cropper?
    A freedmen or poor white who worked on someone else's land and paid for it by giving a share of their crops. This kept them in poverty.
  29. In what years did Reconstruction start and end?
    • Started: 1865
    • Ended: 1877
  30. What happened in the presidential election of 1876?
    Neither Hayes nor Tilden won enough electorial votes. Congress eventually made Hayes president.
  31. What did President Hayes do upon being elected?
    He removed Federal troops from the South and effectively ended reconstruction.
  32. How did the South restrict African-American voting after reconstruction?
    • By implementing:
    • 1) poll tax
    • 2) literacy tests
    • 3) grandfather clauses.
  33. What is a poll tax?
    Required voters to pay a fee each time they voted, keeping the poor African-Americans from voting.
  34. What was the literacy test?
    It required a voter to read and explain a difficult part of the Constitution, keeping uneducated African-Americans from voting.
  35. What was the grandfather clause?
    A way to allow more whites to vote. If a voter's father or grandfather had been eligible to vote, then the voter didn't have to take the literacy test.
  36. What is segregation?
    Separating people of different races.
  37. What were the Jim Crow laws?
    Laws passed in the south that separated (segregated) black and whites in schools, restaurants, theatres, trains, buses, playgrounds, hospitals and cemetaries, etc.
  38. What was Plessy v. Ferguson?
    A U.S. Supreme Court decision that OKed segregation (so long as the facilites were equal).
  39. What is meant by Cycle of Poverty?
    Having no way out of poverty. Every year you get more in debt.
  40. When did Congress pass the first Reconstruction Act?
  41. How did Congress oppose the Ku Klux Klan?
    In 1870, Congress passed a law that outlawed the use of force to keep people from voting.
  42. Why did Congress try to remove President Johnson from office?
    The Republican's feared that he would not enforce the Reconstruction Acts as he was suppose to.
  43. Who was Samual Tilden?
    A democrat who ran for the president in 1876 and lost.
  44. Who was Rutherford B. Hayes?
    A republican who ran for the president in 1876 and eventually won.
  45. Who were the Moderates?
    Moderate republicans who made up the largest group in Congress and sided with the Radical Republicans to pass reconstruction laws.
  46. What did the Civil Rights Act of 1866 do?
    • It gave citizenship to African-Americans.
    • (Johnson vetoed it, but Congress over-rode it).
  47. What did Congress do when they worried that the Supreme Court might overturn the Civil Rights law?
    They proposed the 14th amendment.
  48. Did reconstruction bring about rapid, medium or slow change?
    Slow change in the south.
  49. How did Hayes win the election of 1876 even though he received fewer popular votes than Tilden did?
    He received more electorial votes which is what really matters in a US election.
  50. What was the year and name of Lincoln's reconstruction plan?
    • 1863
    • 10% Plan
  51. What was the year and name of the Moderate Republicans's reconstruction plan?
    • 1864
    • Wade-Davis Bill
  52. What was the year and name of Johnson's reconstruction plan?
    • 1865
    • Presidential Reconstruction Plan
  53. What was the year and name of the Radical Republicans' reconstruction plan?
    • 1867
    • Reconstruction Acts
  54. For the 10% Plan, what did states have to do to set up new state governments?
    10% of voters take oath of loyalty to U.S.
  55. For the Wade-Davis Plan, what did states have to do to set up new state governments?
    Majority of voters swear loyalty to U.S.
  56. For the Presidential Reconstruction Plan, what 2 things did states have to do to set up new state governments?
    • 1) Majority of voters swear loyalty to U.S.,
    • 2) Ratify 13th Amendment.
  57. For the Reconstruction Acts, what 3 things did states have to do to set up new state governments?
    • 1) Write new state constitution,
    • 2) Ratify 14th Amendment,
    • 3) Allow African-Americans to vote.
  58. For the 10% Plan, what 2 things did states have to do to be part of the national governement again?
    • 1) Abolish slavery,
    • 2) Elect members of Congress.
  59. For the Wade-Davis, what did states have to do to be part of the national governement again?
    Elect members of Congress
  60. For the Presidential Reconstruction Plan, what did states have to do to be part of the national governement again?
    Elect members of Congress
  61. For the Reconstruction Acts, what did states have to do to be part of the national governement again?
    Elect members of Congress
  62. For 10% Plan, what was the stance on former Confederate soldiers and officers?
    All but a few are pardoned.
  63. For Wade-Davis Bill, what was the stance on former Confederate soldiers and officers?
    • They could not
    • 1) vote or
    • 2) hold office.
  64. For Presidential Reconstruction Plan, what was the stance on former Confederate soldiers and officers?
    All but a few are pardoned.
  65. For the Reconstruction Acts, what was the stance on former Confederate soldiers and officers?
    They could not vote.
  66. What was the goal of the 10% Plan?
    Get the South back into Union ASAP.
  67. What was the goal of the Wade-Davis Bill?
    To punish South for starting war.
  68. What was the goal of the Presidential Reconstruction Plan?
    Similar to Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction.
  69. What were the 2 goals of the Reconstruction Acts?
    • 1) Break Southern power, and
    • 2) Ensure freedmen could vote.
  70. Under what law did the southern states have to allow African Americans men to vote?
    The first Reconstruction Act in 1867.
  71. During President Grant's second term as President, what was it that helped weakened support for Reconstruction policies?
    Widespread corruption.
  72. Where was President Lincoln assassinated?
    In Ford's Theater in Washington D.C.
  73. Who was Charlotte Forten?
    She was a wealthy African American who went south to teach African Americans. When she fell ill, she went back north and helped recruit teachers for the Freedmen's Bureau.
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