CLS 5500 Autoimmunity

  1. Autoimmunity can be defined as: (pick 2)
    a. Restoration of mechanisms reponsible for self tolerance
    b. Cure of bacterial infection
    c. Breakdown of mechaisms repsonsible for self tolerance
    d. induction of an immune response against components of the self.
    • c.
    • d.
  2. Hyperglobulinemia 
    a. Decreased Ab production
    b. Increased Ab production

  3. How does Autoimmunity affect the absolute number of T cells?

    B. Decreases T cell count
  4. Autoimmune disease can be classified. What are the 3.
    Systemic, Organic Specific, Both(overlap)
  5. Systemic autoimmune disease


    Organ specific would be b.
  6. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus

    B. Affects many sites in the body
  7. Systemic Lupus Erthematosus is associated to

    C. Over reactive B cell response

    • The disease will produce Antinuclear Ab.
    • Antinuclear Ab will bind to cells all over the body. 
    • Level of Ab production correlates with severity of symptoms.
  8. FANA 

    C. Fluorescent anti-nuclear anitbody
  9. Why do we use FANA?
    Detection for Autoimmune disease such as Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
  10. Know how the ANA titer is determined.
    The last dilution which yields a positive result is the titer. (fluorescent)
  11. Most specific SLE, and it correlates well with disease activity.

    E. Double-stranded DNA antibodies
  12. Second major antibody found in SLE

    B. Antihistone Ab
  13. Specific for LE, and it targets Sm proteins

    E. Anti-Sm Antibody
  14. Most common in patients with skin manifestations
    a. Double-stranded DNA (ds-DNA) antibodies
    b. Antihistone antibodyc. Anti-Sm (smith) antibody
    d. SS-A/Ro and SS-B/La Antibodies
    e. Anti-nRNP antibody (nuclear ribonuclear protein)
  15. Patients with SLE or mixed connective tissue disease.

  16. FANA: Patterns of reactivity - Homogenous
    Entire nucleus stained

  17. FANA: Patterns of reactivity - Peripheral
    Rim of nucleus stained

    Native DNA
  18. FANA: patterns of reactivity - Speckled
    Spots of stain throughout nucleus

    Anti- SM SLE
  19. FANA: Patterns of reactivity - Nucleolar
    Nucleolus only stained

    Within Nucleoli of the HEP2 Cells. Suggestive of progressive systemic sclerosis
  20. The presence of at least ___ out of 11 typical disease characteristics is required to be diagnosed with SLE.
  21. Know basic structure of Nucleus and what's inside.
    Nucleoplasm, Nucleolus, Linear Chromosomes, Nucleosomes, Histones, Ribonucleoprotein
  22. True or false:
    Screening for general ANA is first performed then Ab directed against specific components of nuclear material of cells. 
  23. IFA vs. EIA
    • IFA is gold stndard assay but it's harder to use.
    • EIA is widely used but can have false results. 
  24. ANA EIA
    Uses purified nuclear antigens or recominant Ag. Ag are placed in microtiter well for testing. Detection of auto-Ab in serum. 
  25. SM antigens
    Named Sm prteins after patient. A family of RNA-binding proteins found in EVERY cell. Proteins with similar structures were discovered and named LSm proteins. 
  26. Anti-Ro/SSA

  27. Anti-La/SSB

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CLS 5500 Autoimmunity