BioCHEM Entropy & Thermodynamics quiz2

  1. Define Enthalpy: (H)
    Heat contents of a system
  2. Define Entropy: (S)
    Randomness or disorder of a system
  3. What does, "the total energy of system and its surroundings is constant" define?
    1st Law of thermodynamics
  4. What are the only 2 ways to transfer energy?
    • Heat (q)
    • Work (w)
  5. what is the 2nd law of thermodynamics?
    Total entropy of a system and its surroundings always increases for a spontaneous process
  6. What happens to all irreversible processes in which a system is not in an equilibrium state?
    changes spontaneously until it reaches equilibrium state?
  7. what is occuring in a system with a change in G = 0
    Reversible system (ie equilibrium)
  8. how does a reaction with a change if G < 0 occur?
    Spontaneous change at constant temperature and pressure
  9. how does a system with a change in G > 0 change?
    change can only occur if work is done on the system (i.e. it is not spontaneous)
  10. What type of metabolic process occurs -change in G
    • Catabolic (break down molecules)
    • Exergonic (produce energy)
  11. What type of metabolic process occurs during +change in G
    • Anabolic (building up of cells)
    • Endergonic (absorb energy)
  12. Max energy you can get out in ideal conditions
    -change in G
  13. Minimum amount of energy you need to put into a system under ideal conditions
    +change in G
  14. What does ATP stand for?
    adenosine triphosphate
  15. What type of bonds are between the triphosphate molecules
    Phosphoanhydride bonds
  16. Are fatty acids or carbohydrates more efficent fuels
    Fatty acids
  17. In a redox reaction the atom that lose and electron is? 
  18. In a redox reaction the atom gaining an election is?
  19. what type of reaction occurs from one molecule rearranging into another with the same atoms
  20. What does a group transfer reaction entail
    The transfer of a functional group from one molecule to another
  21. What type of reaction occurs when  an atom, molecule, or ion reacts with water?
    Hydrolytic reactions (hydrolysis)
  22. Addition of Functional Groups
    A reaction where gunctional groups are either added to double bonds or removed to form double bonds
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BioCHEM Entropy & Thermodynamics quiz2