OLS 252 Chptr 8

  1. What is a group?
    A collection of two or more interacting individuals with a stable pattern of relationships who share common goals.
  2. What are two types of groups?
    Formal and informal types.
  3. How are Formal Groups defined?
    Defined by their organizational structure.
  4. What are two types of Formal Groups?
    Command groups and Task groups.
  5. What are Informal Groups?
    Groups that are formed to respond to common interest or social interaction.
  6. Why do people join groups?
    Security. Status. Self-esteem. Power. Goal Achievement. Organizational Culture.
  7. What are the five stages in group development?
    Forming. Storming. Norming. Performing. Adjourning.
  8. What do groups universally experience at midpoint in group experience?
    Midlife crisis. Acts as an alarm clock.
  9. What are the different types of teams?
    Problem-solving. Cross-functional. Self-managed.
  10. Who many people are in a Problem-solving group?
    Ten to twelve people make up this group.
  11. How many people are in Self-managed groups?
    Ten to fifteen make up this problem solving group.
  12. What is the size of a group that seems to provide the best elements of both small and large groups?
    Five to seven are best here.
  13. What is leadership based on?
  14. What is groupthink?
    Occurs when group conformity overrides reality.
  15. What are three disadvantages of teams?
    Groupthink. Groupshift. Escalation of commitment.
  16. Why does Groupshift happen?
    Occurs becuase of a lack of individual responsibility, which causes the group shifts to become more conservative or more risky.
  17. What is the best way to eliminate/limit Groupthink?
    Brainstorming can help this.
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OLS 252 Chptr 8
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