PSYC of G ch. 9

  1. Sternberg
    • triangular model of relationships
    • framework for understanding all relationships
  2. gender differences in friendship styles
    • appear early in development
    • before age 5, kids voluntarily segregate themselves according to gender
    • girls: small groups
    • boys: larger groups, hierarchical organization
  3. relationships in adolescents
    • concerned with emotional intimacy (girls more than boys)
    • men find it difficult to develop such relationships, have buddies, activity-based relationships
  4. adults and intimate relationships
    men develop emotionally intimate love relationships with women, decrease time and engergy to men friends
  5. friendship styles
    • men and women have flexible styles
    • use different styles to relate to men and female friends
    • men and women acknowledge cross gender nonsexual friendships are possible but require special rules
  6. dating
    • forms love relationships, began in 1920s
    • a method of courting, forum for recreation, socialization, sexual exploration
    • adolescents choose dates similar to future mates
    • people prefer partners who are warm, kind, expressive, intelligent, physically attractive
  7. committed relationships
    follow several blueprints: companionship, independence, interdependence
  8. companionship
    • separate gender roles
    • emphasizes woman's role in maintaining love relationship
  9. independence and interdependence
    • emphasize self-development for men and women
    • differ in importance of commitment
  10. issues in love relationships
    • believes about love
    • communication
    • division of household labor
    • power and conflict
    • relationship stability
  11. men in marriage
    • more romantic in conceptualization of love
    • benefit more
  12. communication
    • major factor for relationships
    • differences for men and women likely due to power differentials
    • balance of power favors men
  13. division of household labor
    • reflects power difference
    • women perform far more of this work than men
    • women dissatisfied with this division
    • men beginning to do more household work
  14. marital violence
    • women more likely than men to be injured as a result of relationship violence
    • decreases stability of relationship, does not always end it
  15. stable relationships
    • similar attitudes and values
    • commitment factor produces greater stability
  16. divorse
    • increased 1980s
    • decreased 1990s
    • people who have divorsed tend to see fault in ex-spouse rather than in institution of the marriage
    • brings financial and emotional problems
    • some find positive factors
    • many remarry or cohabit, some find more equitable second marriages
  17. patterns of marriage
    • women experience more egalitarian relationships and roles in societies in which they make significant economic contributions
    • male dominated cultures restrict women's access to resources; restrictive marriages, fewer options for women to leave marriage, condone greater intimate-partner violence
  18. companionate love
    a combination of commitment and intimacy without passion
  19. gross motor skills
    • skills involving use of large muscles of the body, producing large movements
    • kicking, throwing, running, jumping
  20. homophobia
    the unreasonable fear and hatred of homosexuality
  21. machismo
    • a Spanish word
    • strong and assertive masculinity and implying complete male authority
  22. matriarchy
    family pattern in which women are dominant or a pattern in which women are the head of the household due to father's absence
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PSYC of G ch. 9
PSYC of G ch. 9