Acidic Amino Acids
At neutral pH, lose proton ( --COO− ), negatively charged
Basic Amino Acids
At neutral pH, gain a proton (-NH3+), positively charged
contains imidazole group (aromatic ring) that can be positively charged
chain protein
essential body can't produce, consumed by muscle
Essential amino acids
PVT TIM HA*LLAny Help In Learning These Little Molecules Proves Truly Valuable.
- Histidine
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Methionine
- phenylaline
- threonine
- tryptophan
- valine
- phenylalnine
- valine
- threomine
- tryptophan
- Arginine (in some birds)
- Leucine
- Lysine
¨Primary proteins
¤AAsequence, peptide bonds
¨Secondary proteins
- hydrogenbonds between backbone atoms
- α-helix or β-sheets
Tertiary proteins
5 types of bonds between R groups
H bonds
Ionic attraction
Disulfide bonds
¨Quaternary: subunit association
¨Denatured dietary proteins are:
safer (non-functioning enzymes,non-virulent bacteria, viruses)less allergenic¤more digestible, increase exposure toenzymes
nonessenntal amino acids
- Alanine
- Arginine
- Asparatic acid
- cysteine
- Glutamine
- Glycine
- proline
- serine
- tyrosine
Essential amino acids
- Histidine
- Isoleucine
- Leucine
- Lysine
- Methionine
- phenylaline
- threonine
- tryptophan
- valine
Peptide Bond Formation
- Covalent bond
- NH2 reacts w/-COOH
H20 as by-product
- AA side chain determines protein folding
- --> myriad of functions
All or none
- Histidine deficiency à found in dipeptides in carnosine
- & anserine – very high concentrations in human skeletal muscle & can be degraded to get histidine; degrated Hgb (a histidine-rich protein) may allow body to maintain supply of histidine if deficient in diet.
¨High quality (complete) protein
- provides 9 Essential AAs in proportion for human
- use
usually from animal sources
¨Low quality (incomplete) protein
¤EAAs pattern does not match human requirement
¤typically from plant sources
¤one or more EAAs low or missing (e.g. corn low in tryptophan and lysine)
¨Biological Value (BV)
Ratio of N retained to N absorbed
N retained
N absorbed
- Measures how efficiently the absorbed
- food protein can be turned into body tissue
¨Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)
- FDA uses for labeling regulations for
- infant food
- Compares the weight gained in a growing
- rat after 10 days or more eating a standard amount of a specific protein source
(g weight gain/g protein consumed)
¨Chemical Score
- ¤EAA
- in the food divided by an “ideal” amount for that essential AA
- ¤The
- lowest EAA score is the C.S. for that food
¨Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score
PDCAAS = Chem. Score x digestibility (generally between 0.9-1.0)
Maximum value is 1.0 (= milk, eggs, soy protein)
Nutrition Facts panel rarely lists % DV for protein, since manufacturers don’t calculate PDCAAS
Net Protein Utilization
Ratio of AA converted to protein to AA supplied
AA converted to protein
AA supplied
Protein Complementation
Combine foods with different amino acid patterns to supply EAAs in proper proportion
e.g. grain (low in lysine) + bean (low in methionine) = complete protein
Functions of protein in the body
5-10% of energy used in body (expensive energy)
Prolonged exercise (↑ 10-15% -- branched chain AA in muscle – Leucine, Isoleucine, Valine)
If there are insufficient total kcalories, then dietary (and body) protein is used for energy
Functions of protein in the body
¨Glucose formation
- Gluconeogenesis for brain and RBC between meals and low
- CHO diets
Functions of protein in the body
Acid-base balance
Regulation of pH by buffering resulting from charged amino acid side chains
Functions of protein in the body
Connective tissue, bone matrix, epidermal cell walls (skin), lipoproteins, antibodies, etc.
Collagen, actin and myosin, plus hemoglobin make up 50% of the protein in the body
Functions of protein in the body
Immune function
Antibodies & immune cells require protein
Functions of protein in the body
Protein hormones and enzymes
Insulin, pituitary hormones, thyroid hormone
Enzymes for thousands of metabolic reactions
Protein RDA
100 kg x 0.8 g/kg/day = 80 g/day
¨To gain 2 lb (0.91 kg) muscle/week
Muscle is 22% protein.
0.22 x 0.91 kg/wk = 200 g/wk = 29 g/day
Process for synthesizing nonessential amino acids.
Carbon skeleton” from a metabolic cycle accepts amino group to become amino acid
Available for protein synthesis
Amino Acid “Sparing”
¨Humans do not synthesize cysteine or tyrosine from scratch.
¨Why are they not essential?
Cys is made from Met, and “spares” need for some Met when in the diet.
Tyr is made from Phe.
¨If transamination did not occur, what
would be the result?
1.Every amino acid would be essential.
Excess protein (NAS)
- ¨45% kcal from protein – weakness, nausea,
- diarrhea, death (“rabbit starvation”)
- ¨Maximum rate of urea synthesis/excretion
- at 250 g protein/d (approx. 40% kcal)
- ¨High protein does not prevent loss of
- lean tissue during negative energy balance.
advantages vegetarian
- ¨Lower rates of some chronic diseases
- (CHD, hypertension, type II diabetes, obesity, some cancers)
- ¨Other lifestyle effects? Absence or
- moderation?
- ¨Benefits of plant sources vs. animal sources
- of proteins
disadvantages vegetarian
- ¨Nutrient deficiencies if uninformed –
- B12, Fe, Zn
- ¨Deficiencies and growth retardation in
- children of uninformed vegetarian mothers
- ¨Less nutrient-dense sources of lysine, methionine,
- vitamins B12, D, Ca, Fe, Zn, riboflavin