110.2 Personnel Performance Profile(PPP)

  1. Describe and discuss the seven stages involved in developing materials following the Personnel Performance Profile (PPP)- based curriculum development method.
    • PLANNING: identifies resources requirement and the sequence of events in the development process.
    • STAGE ONE: consists of determining job tasks, supporting skills and knoledge, and level of performance
    • STAGE TWO: determines the skills and knowledge which must be taught and produces the course learning objectives and an instructional sequence.
    • STAGE THREE: produces the instructional materials for the instructor and the trainee.
    • STAGE FOUR: begins when the CCA has approved a course for pilot and ends with submittal of the Pilot Course Monitoring Report.
    • STAGE FIVE: begins after incorporation of the results of the pilot course (red-line) into smooth curriculum and management materials, and ends with the CCA's letter of Promulgation that approves the material for use in support of Navy training.
    • EVALUATION: is the surveillance, evaluation, change, and revision of the training materials based on assessment of the training materials and the performance of the graduates in the fleet.
  2. Discuss the products of the Training Path System (TPS) Stage 1.
    • Training Objective Statements (TOS)
    • Training Level Assignments (TLA's)
    • Table Assignment Matrix (TAM)
    • Training Path Chart (TPC)
  3. State and discuss Training Objective Statement(TOS) codes for both knowledge and skill
    • S- skill (background)
    • J- skill (task/function)
    • M- maintance
    • P- preventive maintance
    • O- operation
    • C- corrective maintance

    • F- familiarization
    • T- theory
  4. Define the three "Task Sets"
    • Coordinator: who has overall authority and responsibility
    • Director: direct supervisor, department head, division officer, leading petty officer
    • Performer: One who does the hands-on work of operating and/or maintaining the system, subsystem, or equipment, or doing the task/function, i.e., technician/operatior
  5. Discuss the types of courses listed in a Training Path Chart (TPC)
    • Background training: "Prerequisite"
    • Replacement Training:
    • Prepares new personnel for their first assignment
    • Formal school training to provide people with the minimum required operational and maintenance qualifications on assigned equipment
    • Conversion Training
    • Advanced Training
    • Onboard Training
  6. Identify when job sheet development should begin in the Instructional Systems Design (ISD) process?
    • You will begin Job Sheet development:
    • This process begins as soon as the TPS is done
    • This is done to make sure that skills drive, or force, content of the curriculum
  7. What are the triggers and process for converting PPP based curriculum to Task based curriculum?
    Revision or outdated system in a course where training only needs to be knowledge/task based.
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110.2 Personnel Performance Profile(PPP)