Chem 1010 TEST 4

  1. 5 properties of gasas
    • Gases have an indefinite shape
    • Gases can expand
    • Gases can compress
    • Gases have low densities
    • Gases diffuse uniformly throughout their containers
  2. All temp. calculations must be in?
    • Kelvin!!!
    • Celcius + 273
  3. The result of constantly moving molecules striking the inside wall of the container
    Gas pressure
  4. collide with wall less frequently and less energy, results in a lower pressure
    molecules that move more slowly
  5. collide more often, so the gas pressure increases
    Molecules move more rapidly
  6. Measured by an instrument called a barometer
    Atmospheric pressure
  7. Standard pressure of Atmosphere?
    1 ATM
  8. Standard pressure of millimeters of Hg?
    760 mm Hg
  9. Standard pressure of torr
    760 torr (exactly)
  10. Equal standard pressure?
    1 ATM= 760 mHg= 760 torr
  11. Volume and pressure are?
    inversely proportional. as pressure goes up, volume goes down.
  12. Boyle's law is written?
  13. As pressure goes up, temp?
    Goes up!
  14. Charles Law is written?
    V1/T1 = V2/T2
  15. n (mol) and P (pressure): As one goes up, ?
    so does the other
  16. At constant pressure, the volume, V, occupied by a gas sample is directly proportional to ?
    • the Kelvin temp. 
    • V/T = K
  17. At constant vlume, the pressure, P, exerted by a gas sample is directly proportional to ?
    • the Kelvin temp. 
    • P/T = K
  18. 3 gas laws can be combined to represent the relationship between the three variables when they all change simultaneously
    The combined gas law
  19. molecules of water in constant motion
    some strike the surface with enough energy to escape the gas phase
    when in a closed container, the vapor is collected in the space above the liquid
    Vapor pressure
  20. vapor pressure of water is dependent on?
    • the temp but not the volume of water.
    • increases as temp increases
  21. Ptotal = P1+P2+P3+.......
    • Daltons Law of partial pressures
    • (587torr N + 158torr O + 7 torr Ar = 752 torr)
  22. a gas that always behaves in a predictable and consistent manner
    an Ideal gas
  23. behave very much like the ideal gas model except at low T and high P
    Real gases
  24. Always use what Conversions for..

    P (pressure)=
    V (volume)=
    N (mole)=
    T (temp)=
    • P= ATM
    • V= Liter
    • N= mol
    • T= Kelvin
  25. demonstrate rapid motion, move in straight lines, and travel in random directions
    gas molecules
  26. the average kinetic energy of gas particles is proportional to the ?
    Kelvin temp
  27. have no attraction for one another. After colliding they simply bounce away in a different direction
    Gas molecules
  28. An ideal gas at absolute zero has?
    No kinetic energy and therefore no motion
  29. in a collision between gas particles, there is no net loss of kinetic energy
    elastic collisions 
  30. referred to as the Ideal Gas constant, R
    .0821 L atm/mol K
  31. PV = nRT
    Ideal gas constant, R
  32. mole equation?
    n = PV/RT
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Chem 1010 TEST 4