7 digestive system

  1. biopsy
    removal of a small portion of tissue from the body for microscopic examination
  2. endoscopic examination
    procedure using an endoscope to diagnose or treat a condition, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract
  3. dent/o
  4. odont/o
  5. gingiv/o
  6. gloss/o
  7. lingu/o
  8. or/o
  9. stomat/o
  10. ptyal/o
  11. sial/o
    saliva, salivary gland
  12. esophag/o
  13. gastr/o
  14. pharyng/o
    pharynx (throat)
  15. pylor/o
    pylorus (sphincter in lower portion of the stomach that opens into the duodenum)
  16. duoden/o
    duodenum (first part of small intestine)
  17. enter/o
    intestine (usually small intestine)
  18. jejun/o
    jejunum (second part of small intestine)
  19. ile/o
    ileum (third part of small intestine)
  20. an/o
  21. append/o
  22. appendic/o
  23. col/o
  24. colon/o
  25. proct/o
    anus, rectum
  26. rect/o
  27. sigmoid/o
    sigmoid colon
  28. cholangi/o
    bile vessel
  29. chol/e
    bile, gall
  30. cholecyst/o
  31. choledoch/o
    bile duct
  32. hepat/o
  33. pancreat/o
  34. -algia
  35. -dynia
  36. -emesis
  37. -iasis
    abnormal condition (produced by something specified)
  38. -megaly
  39. -orexia
  40. -osis
    abnormal condition; increase (used primarily with blood cells)
  41. -pepsia
  42. -phagia
    swallowing, eating
  43. -prandial
  44. -rrhea
    discharge, flow
  45. endo-
    in, within
  46. hemat-
  47. hypo-
    under, below, deficient
  48. appendicitis
    inflammation of the appendix, typically an acute condition caused by blockage of the appendix followed by infection that is treated with surgical removal of the inflamed appendix and antibiotic therapy
  49. ascites
    pathological build up of fluid in the abdominal (peritoneal) cavity due to liver disease, cancer, heart failure, or kidney failure
  50. borborygmus
    gurgling or rumbling sound heard over the large intestine that is caused by gas moving through the intestines
  51. cirrhosis
    chronic liver disease characterized by destruction of liver cells that eventually leads to ineffective liver function and jaundice
  52. diverticular disease
    formation of bluging pouches (diverticula) throughout the colon, but most commonly in the lower portion of the colon (includes diverticulosis, diverticular bleeding, and diverticulitis)
  53. dysentery
    inflammation of the intestine, especially of the colon, caused by chemical irritants, bacteria, or parasites and characterized by diarrhea, colitis, and abdominal cramps
  54. fistula
    abnormal tunnel connecting two body cavities such as the rectum and the vagina (rectovaginal fistula) or a body cavity to the skin (such as the rectum to the outside of the body) caused by an injury, infection, or inflammation
  55. gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
    backflow (reflux) of gastric contents into the esophagus due to malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
  56. hematochezia
    passage of bright red, bloody stools (usually an indication that the colon is bleeding somewhere) commonly caused by diverticulitis or hemorrhoids but may be a symptom of CA
  57. hemorrhoid
    mass of enlarged, twisted varicose veins in the mucous membrane inside (internal) or just outside (external) the rectum; also called piles
  58. hernia
    protrusion or projection of an organ or a part of an organ through the wall of the cavity that normally contains it
  59. strangulated hernia
    hernia in which the protruding viscus is so tightly trapped that it leads to necrosis with gangrene results, requiring immediate surgery
  60. inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
    disorder that causes inflammation of the intestines
  61. crohn disease
    chronic IBD that may affect any portion of the intestinal tract (usualy the ileum) and is distinguished from closely related bowel disorders by its inflammatory pattern, which tends to be patchy or segmented; also called regional colitis
  62. ulceratvie colitis
    chronic IBD of the colon characterized by ulcers, constant diarrhea mixed with blood, and pain
  63. irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
    common colon disorder characterized by constipation, diarrhea, gas, and bloating that does not cause permanent damage to the colon; also called spastic colon
  64. jaundice
    yellow discoloration of the skin, mucous membranes, and sclerae of the eyes caused by excessive levels of bilirubin in the blood; also called hyperbilirubinemia
  65. obesity
    condition in which body weight exceeds the range of normal or healthy, which is characterized as a body mass index (BMI) greater than 25
  66. morbid obesity
    more severe obesity in which a person has a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or greater, which is generally 100 lb or more over ideal body weight
  67. ulcer
    open sore that may result from a perforation or lesion of the skin or mucous membrane accompanied by sloughing of inflamed necrotic (pathological death of a cell) tissue
  68. volvulus
    twisting of the bowel on itself, causing obstruction
  69. barium enema (BE)
    radiographic examination of the rectum and colon after administration of barium sulfate (radiopaque contrast medium) into the rectum.  BE is used for diagnosis of obstructions, tumors, or other abnormalities, such as ulcerative colitis.
  70. barium swallow
    radiographic examination of the esophagus, stomach, and small intestine after oral administration of barium sulfate (radiopaque contrast medium); also called upper GI series
  71. cholangiography
    radiographic examination of the bile ducts with a contrast medium to reveal gallstones or other obstruction in the bile ducts
  72. esophagogasroduodenoscopy (EGD)
    visual examination of the esophagus (esophagoscopy), stomach (gastroscopy), and duodenum (duodenoscopy) using and endoscope; also called upper GI endoscopy
  73. stool guaiac
    test performed on feces using the reagent gum guaiac to detect presence of blood in feces that is not apparent on visual inspection; also called hemoccult test
  74. bariatric surgery
    any of a group of procedures used to treat morbid obesity
  75. vertical banded gastroplasty
    bariatric surgery in which the upper stomach near the esophagus is stapled vertically to reduce it to a small pouch and a band is inserted that restricts and delays food from leaving the pouch, causing a feeling of fullness
  76. roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RGB)
    bariatric surgery in which the stomach is first stapled to decrease it to a small pouch and then the jejunum is shortened and connected to the small stomach pouch, causing the base of the duodenum leading from the nonfunctioning portion of the stomach to form a Y configuration, which decreased the pathway of food through the intestine, thus reducing absorption of calories and fats.
  77. colostomy
    excision of a diseased part of the colon and relocation of the remaining end of the healthy colon through the abdominal wall to divert fecal flow to a colostomy bag
  78. lithotripsy
    eliminating a stone within the gallbladder or urinary system by crushing it surgically or using a noninvasive method, such as ultrasonic shock waves, to shatter it
  79. extracorporeal shockwave lithotripsy
    use of shock waves as a noninvasive method to destroy stones in the gallbladder and biliary ducts
  80. nasogastric intubation
    insertion of a soft plastic nasogastric tube through the nostrils, past the pharynx, and down the esophagus into the stomach to remove substances from the stomach; deliver medication, food, or fluids; or obtain a specimen for laboratory analysis
  81. polypectomy
    excision of small, tumorlike, benign growths (polyps) that project froma  mucous membrane surface
  82. antacids
    neutralize acids in the stomach
  83. antidiarrheals
    control loose stools and relieve diarrhea by absorbing excess water in the bowel or slowing peristalsis in the intestinal tracts
  84. antiemetics
    control nausea and vomiting by blocking nerve impulses to the vomiting center of the brain
  85. laxatives
    relieve constipation and facilitate passage of feces through the lower GI tract
  86. BE
    barium enema; below the elbow
  87. BM
    bowel movement
  88. CA
    cancer; chronological age; cardiac arrest
  89. Ca
    calcium; cancer
  90. EGD
  91. ERCP
    endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
  92. ESWL
    extracorporeal shock-wave lithotripsy
  93. FBS
    fasting blood sugar
  94. GERD
    gastroesophageal reflux disease
  95. GI
  96. HAV
    hepatis A virus
  97. HBV
    hepatis B virus
  98. IBD
    inflammatory bowel disease
  99. IBS
    irritable bowel syndrome
  100. RGB
    Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
  101. UGI
    upper gastrointestinal
Card Set
7 digestive system
7 digestive system