Muscles mod 2 midterm

  1. The axis

    to the

    Rectus Capitis Posterior Major

    1. Extends the head at the alanto-occipital joint
  2. The Atlas (c1)

    to the

    Rectus Capitis Posterior Minor

    1. extends the head ad the atlanto-occipital Joint
  3. The Axix (C2)

    to the

    Atlas (C1)
    Obliquus Capitis Inferior

    1. Ipsilaterally rotates the atlas at the alantoaxial joint
  4. The Atlas (C1)

    to the

    Obliquus Capitis Superior

    1. Extends the heat at the atlanto-occipital joint
  5. Subcutaneous Fascia of the Superior Chest

    to the

    Mandible and the subcutaneous fascia of the lower face

    1. draws up the skin of the superior chest and neck, creating ridges of skin of the neck
  6. STERNAL HEAD: manubrium of the sternum
    CLAVICULAR HEAD: Medial clavical

    to the

    Mastoid Process of the temporal bone
    1. flexes the neck at the spinal joints

    2. laterally flexes the neck and the head at the spinal joints

    3. contralaterally rotates the neck and the head at the spinal joints
  7. Occipital bone and the temporal bone

    to the

    Galea Apeneurotica
    to the
    fascia and skin superior to the eye and the nose

    1. draws the scalp posteriorly (occipitalis)

    2. draws the saclp anteriorly (frontalis)
  8. Fascia superior to the ear

    to the

    Lateral border of the Galea Apeneurotica

    1. elevates the ear
  9. AURICULARIS ANTERIOR: Galea Aponeurotica
    Anterior ear

    AURICULARIS SUPERIOR: galea aponeurotica
    superior ear

    AURICULARIS POSTERIOR: temporal bone
    posterior ear
    Auricularis Anterior, Superior, and Posterior

    • 1. Draws ear anteriorly
    • 2. elevates the ear
    • 3. draws the ear posteriorly
  10. Temporal fossa

    to the

    coronoid processand the ramus of the mandible

    1. elevates the mandible at the temporomandibular joint
  11. Inferior margins of both the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic arch of the temporal bone

    to the

    angle, ramus, and coronoid process of the madible

    1. elevates the mandible at the temporomandibular joint
  12. Entire Muscle: sphenoid bone

    to the

    Mandible and the temporomandibular joint
    Lateral Pyerygoid

    1 protracts the mandible at the temporomandibular joint
  13. Entire Muscle: sphenoid bone

    to the

    internal surface of the mandible
    Medial Pterygoid

    1. elevates the mandible at the temporomandibular joint
Card Set
Muscles mod 2 midterm
muscles head & neck