Lesson 109 - Lesoni Teau ma Hiva

  1. Whose thing is this?
    Ko e me'a eni 'a hai?
  2. That's Mine! (my thing)
    Ko e me'a ia 'a 'aku!
  3. But whose report is this?
    Ka ko e lipooti eni 'a hai?
  4. That's the report of the educational committe.
    Ko e lipooti ia 'a e komiti ako.
  5. I'm Going!
    Te u 'alu au!
  6. You go!
    Mou o kimoutolu!
  7. I'm coming (now) from town.
    Ko 'eku ha'u 'aku mei kolo.
  8. He's going (now) to Nukunuku.
    Ko 'ene 'alu 'ana ki nukunuku.
  9. Lit. is this your coming?

    Are you just coming back now?
    Ko ho'o ha'u 'au ia?
  10. I'm going now. (for good)
    Ko 'eku 'alu 'aku ia.
  11. Whose thing is this?
    Ko e me'a 'eni 'a hai?
  12. whose pen is this?
    Ko e peni 'eni 'a hai?
  13. It's mine (my thing, my business)
    Ko e me'a ia 'a'aku
  14. It's yours (your thing, business)
    Ko e mea ia a'au
  15. its his ( his/her thing, business)
    Ko e mea ia a'ana
  16. Thats his bag!
    Ko 'ene kai 'ana ia@
  17. Thats my bag!
    Ko 'eku kai 'aku ia.
  18. Do you afree to john's coming?
    'Oku ke loto ki he ha'u 'a Sione ?
  19. Do you agree to Johns being in charge?
    'Oku ke loto ki he pule 'a Sione?
  20. I don't agree to his coming.
    'Oku ikai te u loto ki he'ene ha'u 'ana.
  21. I dont agree to his going.
    'Oku itkai te u loto ki he'ene 'alu 'ana.
  22. I dont like his particular method.
    'Oku 'ikai te u sai'ia he'ene founga 'ana.
  23. I don't believe your gossip.
    'Oku 'ikai te u tui ki ho'i lau 'au.
  24. I dont believe your story.
    'Oku 'ikai te u tui ki ho'i talanoa 'au.
  25. He did not want to accept my testimony.
    Na'e 'ikai te ne fie tali 'eku fakamo'oni 'aku
  26. he did not want to answer my question
    Na'e ikau te ne fie tali 'eku fehu'i 'aku.
  27. He did not want to accept my resoning.
    Na'e 'ikau te ne fie tali 'eku 'uhinga 'aku.
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Lesson 109 - Lesoni Teau ma Hiva