Tui Na II Final Review

  1. What can you tell me about Common Cold?
    • Etiology:
    • Weakness of Vital-Qi
    • Sudden Weather change => wind-cold (winter) / wind-heat (spring)
    • Clinical Manifestation:
    • Wind-cold
    • Wind-heat
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing
    • Kneading
    • Grasping
    • Points used:
    • DU-16, 15, 14
    • GB-20, BL-10, 12, 13
    • Yin Tang, BL-2, Yu Yao, SJ-23, Tai Yang
    • Yin Tang, GB-14, SJ-20, GB-20
    • Yin Tang, DU-24, ST-8, SJ-20, GB-20
    • Cold type: scrubbing, LI-4
    • Heat type: DU-14, LI-11
    • Nasal obstruction: LI-20 (not bilateral)
  2. What can you tell me about Stiff Neck?
    • Etiology:
    • Improper pillow height / sleeping posture
    • Exposure to wind during sleep causing myospasm / myofibrositis
    • *rarely due to sudden neck jerks / carrying heavy objects
    • Clincal Manifestation:
    • Spasm / Stiffness / Pain of SCM, Trapezius
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing
    • Kneading
    • Rotation
    • Traction
    • Grasping
    • Points used:
    • GB-20, Ashi, GB-21, SI-12, 13, 11
  3. What can you tell me about Scapulohumeral periarthritis (Frozen Shoulder)?
    • Etiology:
    • Qi & Blood Def
    • Malnourishment
    • Wind-cold attack of shoulder
    • Trauma / Strain
    • Related to sexual hormones
    • Clincal Manifestations:
    • Soreness, weakness and limited shoulder movement that appear gradually without reason
    • Pain and / or soreness radiating throughout the shoulder and sometimes to forearm
    • Relieved by day, aggravated by night
    • Intense pain on touch
    • Difficult abduction, extension, lifting, adduction, rotation
    • Major Manipulation:
    • Traction
    • Rotation
    • Pulling
    • *if this condition has been for a long time, may be due to calcification
    • *if 1-2 years (chronic) already: hard case to treat
  4. What can you tell me about Tendinitis of Supraspinatus Muscle?
    • Etiology:
    • Prolonged and repeated abduction of arm tends to injure the tendon of the supraspinatus muscle or lead to chronic strain and degeneration of the tendon, causing aseptic inflammation
    • Clinical Manifestation:
    • Pain, tenderness, limited abduction (lateral aspect of shoulder)
    • Pain usaully spreads to deltoid and sometimes neck and down the elbow, forearms, fingers
    • 60°-120° abduction can cause severe pain
    • *muscle atrophy may be seen in prolonged cases
    • Major Manipulation:
    • One-finger meditation
    • Pressing
    • Kneading
    • Plucking
    • Flat-pushing
    • Rotate and Shaking
    • Points used:
    • GB-21, SI-12, 13, 11, SJ-14, SI-9, LI-14, 11
  5. What can you tell me about Subluxation of Small joints of Thoracic Vertebrae?
    • A.K.A. Cha Qi or Nu Shang
    • Clincal Manifestation:
    • Back / hypochondriac pain aggravated by movement
    • Patient unable to turn body, take deep breaths, talk or laugh loudly
    • Symptoms may be associated with fullness of chest and coughing
    • Soft tissues of the back, lateral to vertebrae, are tense
    • Obvious pain and pressure at the site
    • Sometimes painful nodules can be felt
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pulling
    • Plucking
    • Rotation & Pulling ("making bread")
    • Points used:
    • Rolling & Pressing / Kneading along BL channel
  6. What can you tell me about Acute / Chronic Lumbar Spasm?  What are the differences?
    • Etiology:
    • Sudden violent motion causing injury (going beyond normal range of motion)
    • Overloading / Overexerting the waist
    • Improper posture
    • Fall
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Typically: distinct pain
    • Severe cases:
    • Loin pain
    • Limited waist movment
    • Difficulty and / or worsened pain by sitting, lying, walking, coughing, sneezing, breathing deeply
    • Mild Cases:
    • Loin pain, but after some time has passed, serious immobility of waist
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Flat-pushing
    • Palm-over-Palm kneading
    • Cutting (acute) / Plucking (chronic)
    • Rotation & Pulling (lumbar)
    • Rotation & Traction (lumbar; supine, knee flexed)
    • Points used:
    • BL-23, 25, 40, 57, (60),
  7. What can you tell me about Prolapse of Lumbar Intervertebral disc (Sciatica)?
    • Etiology:
    • Commonly seen in young people, usually due to 4th and 5th lumbar IVD and fifth lumbosacral IVD
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Lumbocrural pain:
    • History of prolonged recurrent lumbago
    • Pain radiating to one leg (two legs are rare) aggravated by coughing and sneezing
    • Pain or numbness on the lateral or posterior aspect of one shank
    • Pain gradually shifting to the loins in some cases
    • Tendency to lie on the non-affected side with the affected leg flexed
    • Motor impairment of the loins:
    • Discomfort when moving the waist in any direction
    • Range of wrist movement gradually enlarges with the alleviation of the disease
    • Subjective numbness
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing, Kneading, Traction-Pulling, Traction-Rotation
    • Points Used:
    • BL-23, 25, 37, 40, 57, 60
    • GB-30
  8. What can you tell me about Injury of Medial / Lateral Accesory Ligament of the Knee?
    • Etiology:
    • Sudden stress to a partially flexed or extended knee can injure the medial or external accessory ligament
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Sprain or partial laceration of the medial accessory ligament
    • History of trauma, pain and tenderness on the medial aspect of the knee; the pain becomes severe when the shank is passively abducted
    • Local edema on the medial aspect of the knee
    • Ecchymosis and hemathrosis may appear within 2-3 days after the onset
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing, Kneading, One-finger Meditation, Flat-pushing, Traction-Rotation of Knee (Chronic cases only)
    • Points Used:
    • SP-10, 9, 6, LR-8, 7
  9. What can you tell me about External Humeral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow / Humeroradial Bursitis)?
    • Etiology:
    • Truama
    • Common in middle-aged patients who repeatedly rotate their forearms and stretch their wrists strenuously.
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Soreness on the lateral aspect of the elbow's posterior worsens when rotating and extending, lifting, pulling, holding, or pushing.  The soreness radiates downward along the extensor muscle of wrist, and the following additional manifestations occur (local mild swelling, difficulty in rotating the forearm and holding things)
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing, Kneading, Plucking, Scrubbing
  10. What can you tell me about Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
    • Etiology:
    • Due to median nerve being pressed within the carpal canal.
    • Tendons in the carpal canal enlarge, the tendons and median nerve press agaisnt each other and nervous symptoms appear.
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Initially:
    • Finger numbness and pain that is stabbing and that often disturbs sleep but is relieved as soon as the affected hand is waved
    • Numbness and pain of the index, middle, and ring fingers and the thumb out but not of the little finger
    • Burning pain of the small finger in a few cases
    • Late Stage:
    • Atrophy
    • Numbness and myodynamic attenuation of the thenar eminance muscles
    • Semi-radial anesthesia of the thumb and the index, middle and ring fingers
    • Myophagism gradually appearing four months after onset
    • Hypoesthsia or anesthesia of the finger with the symptoms found in examination
    • Pain in the palm that does not go away
    • Symptoms aggravated if the point PC7 is pressed on the affected limb
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Pressing, Kneading, Traction-Rotaion of wrist, Scrubbing, Wrist rotation while pressing PC7
    • Points Used:
    • PC-3, 6, 7, LU-10
  11. What can you tell me about Constipation?
    • Etiology:
    • Excessive Yang, addiction to pungent and greasy foods leading to accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines
    • Heat the lingers after febrile disease consumes body fluid
    • Def Qi and Blood due to senile infirmity is responsible for dysfunction of the large intestines and for scanty body fluid
    • Clinical Manifestations:
    • Excessive Yang:
    • Dry feces, scanty and brown urine, flushed face, fever or distending abdomen, dry mouth, restlessness or frequent belching, fullness in the chest and hypochondria, poor appetite, reddened tongue with a yellow dry coating, slippery and rapid pulse
    • Def Qi Constipation:
    • difficult defecation, slightly dry feces, forced defecation followed by tiredness and even sweating and shortness of breath, pale complexion, lassitude, pale tongue with thin coating, weak pulse or clear and abundant urine, cold limbs or cold pain of the loins and knees or abdomen
    • Major Manipulations:
    • Rubbing, pressing, kneading, scrubbing, nip-kneading
    • Points Used:
    • ST-25, 36, 37
    • CV-12, 8, 6
    • BL-20, 23, 35
    • SJ-6
Card Set
Tui Na II Final Review
Tui Na