CS Quiz 4

  1. WiFi
    • 802.11
    • standard, wireless fidelity
  2. Computer
    • program
    • that attaches itself to another program and attempts to spread itself to other
    • computers when files are exchanged
  3. Firewalls
    • software
    • or hardware designed to keep computer systems safe from hackers by closing off
    • logical ports and making the computer invisible on the network
  4. Multipartite
    • designed
    • to infect multiple file types in an effort to fool AV software that is looking
    • for them
  5. P2P
    • locally
    • controlled,each node can communicate with other nodes directly
  6. Anti-virus
    • designed
    • to detect viruses and protect your computer and files from harm
  7. Bandwidth
    • data
    • transfer rate, the maximum speed at which data can be transmitted between two nodes
    • on a network
  8. Hacker
    • anyone
    • who breaks into a computer system unlawfully
  9. Network
    • devices
    • connected to or installed in network nodes that enable the nodes to communicate
    • with each other and access the network
  10. Polymorphic
    • change
    • their own code to avoid detection. Most
    • infect one certain type of file.
  11. Boot-sector
    • infects
    • the master boot record so that it is loaded into memory as soon as the computer
    • is booted up, before some anti-virus software is loaded
  12. DoS
    • Denial
    • of Service attack, legitimate users are denied access to a computer system
    • because a hacker is repeatedly making requests of that computer system through
    • a computer he has taken over as a zombie
  13. Identity
    • someone
    • using your personal information to assume your identity for the purposes of
    • defrauding others.
  14. NICs
    • network
    • interface cards, expansion cards installed in a PC to allow it to use the
    • network
  15. Routers
    • transfers
    • packets of data between two or more networks
  16. Client
    • computers
    • on which users accomplish specific tasks
  17. DSL
    / cable routers
    • controls
    • network traffic and allows sharing of internet access
  18. IP
    • set
    • of 4 numbers separated by dots, means by which all computers on the internet
    • locate each other.
  19. Network
    navigation devices
    • and
    • switches, enable the flow of data over networks.
  20. Server
    • computer
    • that provides information or resources to the clients
  21. Client
    / server network
    • centrally
    • controlled, usually have 10 or more nodes. Contains clients and servers
  22. E-mail
    • uses
    • the address book in the victim’s e-mail system to distribute the virus
  23. LANs
    • local
    • area networks in which nodes are located in a small geographical area
  24. NOS
    • network
    • operating system, handles requests for information, internet access, and use of
    • peripherals for the rest of the network nodes
  25. Stealth
    • temporarily erase their code from where they reside and hide in the active
    • memory
  26. Coaxial
    • TV
    • cable, single copper wire surrounded by layers of plastic
  27. Ethernet
    • networks
    • that use the Ethernet protocol as a means or standard by which nodes on the
    • network communicate
  28. Logic
    • viruses
    • that are triggered when certain logical conditions are met
  29. Nodes
    • devices
    • connected to a network are called nodes
  30. Throughput
    • the
    • actual speed of data transfer that is actually achieved and is usually less
    • than the data transfer rate. Measured in Mbps
  31. Computer
    • two
    • or more computers connected via software or hardware so they can communicate
    • with each other
  32. Fiber-optic
    • made
    • up of plastic or glass fibers that transmit data at very fast speeds
  33. Macro
    • attached
    • to documents that use macros.
  34. Packets
    • Data
    • is sent over transmission media in bundles called packets.
  35. Time
    • viruses
    • that are triggered by passage of time or on a certain date
  36. Twisted-pair
    • – telephone
    • wire, made up of copper wires that are twisted around each other and surrounded
    • by a plastic jacket
  37. WAN
    • wide
    • area networks are made up of LANs connected over long distances
  38. Wireless
    • uses
    • radio waves to transmit data instead of wires.
  39. Gateways
    • wireless
    • router, combines the ability of a wired router with the capability to receive
    • wireless signals.
  40. Worms
    • attempt
    • to travel between systems through network connections
    • Origin
    • of the internet, early networking project funded by the US government for the
    • military in the late 1960s. Four node network between UCLA, Stanford research
    • institute, UC Santa Barbara, and University of Utah at Salt Lake
  42. A
    network allows users to
    • 1.)
    • share peripherals, (2) transfer files easily, and (3) share an internet
    • connection.
  43. P2P
    networks allow
    • each
    • node to communicate with other nodes without going through a server. P2P most common in homes. Most networks with 10 or more computers are
    • client / server networks
  44. Four
    components of every network are
    • (1)
    • transmission media, (2) network adapters, (3) network navigation devices such
    • as routers and hubs, and (4) software that allows the network to run
  45. Why would someone want to break into my computer?
    • (1)
    • steal personal or other important info, (2) damage and destroy data (3)
    • use the
    • computer to attack other computers
  46. What do firewalls do?
    • Firewalls
    • close off logical ports so that hackers can’t use them to gain access to a
    • computer
  47. Why are wired networks more secure than wireless?
    • Wireless
    • networks are more vulnerable to hackers because the data is sent out over the
    • air waves. To secure them, change the
    • default password on the router, use a SSID that is hard to guess, and turn off
    • SSID broadcasting, and enable security protocols
  48. Six categories of viruses
    • (1)
    • boot sector viruses, (2) logic bombs, (3) worms (4) scripts and macros, (5)
    • encryption viruses, (6) Trojan horses
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CS Quiz 4
quiz 4