Chapter 1 SOSC

  1. Which of the followinf is not true about power?

    B. It is used in the same fashion by all forms of governments
  2. ___ is the mot holistic of the social sciences aince it studies all aspects of a society.

    D. Anthropology
  3. Perhaps the most enduring structure of power in society is ___.

    A. Family
  4. Behavioral psychologists study ___.

    B. the learning process
  5. Economic power involves the power to decide all of the following except ___.

    D. how to provide welfare benefits to individuals
  6. ___ rationalizes and justify the exercise of power in society.

    D. Ideologies
  7. This ideology calls for the evolutionary democratic replacement of the private enterprise system.

    D. socialism
  8. A problem of democratic government is protecting its citizens without violating ___.

    D. individual liberty
  9. ___ helps us understand how contemporary society developed into its present form.

    B. History
  10. A significant statistical relationship is a ___.

    C. correlation
  11. Scientist develop ___ to explain facts or events.

    A. theories
  12. The name for a statement that scientists intend to test with data and evidence is a(n) ___.

    C. hypothesis
  13. "Most African-Americans vote Democratic" is an example of which of the following?

    A. probabilistic statement
  14. Which of the following is not a problem of survey research?

    B. random opinions
  15. The scientific method represents all of the following except.

    C. a method that deals with what should be
  16. Classical liberalism ___.

    D. motivated the writers of the U.S. Constitution
  17. Liberals most often describe their opponents as ___ on political matters.

    C. extremists
  18. Which of the following is not a function of ideology?

    B. to reward individual creativity
  19. Classical liberalism as political ideology is closely related to ___ as an economic ideology.

    D. capitalism
  20. Which of the following is not tenet of neo-conservatism?

    A. hawkism
  21. __ added to the concept of an organice state with his idea of uniting race and nation.

    D. Hitler
  22. The murder of millions of Jews, gypsies, blacks, and homosexuals in Naz death camps is known as the ___.

    A. Holocaust
  23. Socialism and communism share the belief that ___.

    C. the free market system exploits the masses while provding an abundance of wealth for the priviledged few
  24. Capitalism's __ would, according to Karl Marx, lead inevitably to a proletarian revolution.

    D. internal contradictions
  25. Today the system of government that always accompanies a free market is ___.

    A. democracy
Card Set
Chapter 1 SOSC
chapter 2 questions