neuro part 1 diseases.txt

  1. Characteristic traits of common (tension) headache
    • moderate to severe pain
    • dull pressure or tightness
    • tension of inflammation araising from muscles on both sides of head, eyes, neck and shoulders
    • fatigue
    • sensation of rigis band circling and pressing on head
    • duration - 30 minutes to full week
    • frequency - infrequent to daily
  2. Triggers for common (tension) headache
    • allergies
    • chemical fumes
    • extreme temperatures
    • dilation or constriction of cerebral blood vessels
    • constipation
    • coughing or laughter
    • intracranial mass such as tumors or lesions
  3. Symptoms of common (tension) headache
    • nausea/vomiting
    • sensitivity to noise or light
  4. Treatment for common (tension) headache
    • NSAIDs
    • combination medication (NSAIDs combined with caffeine)
    • analgesic (NSAIDs) and sedative-hypnotics (benzodiazepines, barbiturates)
    • triptans
    • opiates
  5. Preventative medications for common (tension) headache
    • tricyclic antidepressants
    • anticonvulsants
    • muscle relaxants
    • SSRI (?)
  6. Cluster headaches
    • intense, episodic (cyclical in pattern) headache occurring suddenly
    • possibly caused by vascular abnormalities
    • pain usually develops at night
    • no evidence of family history, however condition tends to run in families
    • affects 1-4 per 1000 individuals
    • middle ages men 5x more likely to be affected than women
  7. Main symptom of cluster headaches
    • sharp, boring, severing pain developing rapidly over minutes
    • located on one side, usually around or behind eye
    • duration ranges from 15 to 180 minutes
    • frequency varies - one or more daily for weeks; intermittent over a span of 1-3 months, subsides then recurs months or years later
  8. Secondary symptoms of cluster headaches
    • nose
    • eyes
    • mood
  9. Triggers for cluster headaches
    • alcohol
    • nicotine
    • stress
    • certain foods
    • glare
  10. Treatment of cluster headaches
    • inhaling 100% O2
    • injectable or intranasal sumatriptan (Imitrex)
    • intravenous, injectable or inhaled dihydroergotamine
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neuro part 1 diseases.txt
neuro part 1 diseases (headaches)