neuro part 1 adrenergic receptor.txt

  1. Adrenergic receptor inactivation
    • reuptake
    • enzymatic inactivation
    • -monoamine oxidase (MAO) - found inside of presynaptic neuron
    • - catechol-omethyl-transferase (COMT) - located on postsynaptic neuron
    • diffusion
  2. Direct-acting receptor agonist
    acts directly on receptors
  3. Indirect-acting receptor agonist
    stimulates norepinephrine release or blocks norepinephrine reuptake
  4. Norephinephrine
    • direct-acting receptor agonist
    • non-selective
    • alpha 1, beta 1
  5. Ephinephrine
    • direct-acting receptor agonist
    • non-selective
    • alpha 1; vasoconstriction; increases blood pressure; dilated pupils
    • beta 1; tachycardia
    • beta 2; bronchodilation
  6. Dopamine
    • direct-acting receptor agonist
    • non-selective
    • alpha 1, beta 1, D1-D5
    • D1 and D2 (peripheral dopamine receptors); renal, coronary, mesenteric and cerebral arteries
    • function; vasodilation, increased blood flow, glomerular filtration rate, sodium excretion, catecholamine release
  7. Amphetamine
    • indirect-acting
    • promotes norephinephrine release and blocks norepinephrine reuptake
  8. Cocaine
    • indirect-acting
    • blocks norephinephrine reuptake
  9. Ephedrine
    • mixed-acting (has direct and indirect effects)
    • activates receptor and promotes norephinephrine release
    • nonselective
    • alpha 1, beta 1, beta 2
  10. alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists
    • Doxazosin - selective, alpha 1
    • Phentolamine - non-selective, alpha
  11. Uses for alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists
    • benign prostatic hypertrophy
    • hypertension
    • peripheral vascular disease
  12. Side effects of alpha-adrenergic receptor antagonists
    • orthostatic hypertension
    • dizziness
    • reflex tachycardia
  13. beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
    • Metoprolol, Atenolol - selective beta 1
    • Propranolol, Nadolol - nonselective beta 1 and beta 2
    • Carvedilol, Labetalol - mixed alpha 1, beta 1 and beta 2
  14. Uses of beta-adrenergic receptor antagonists
    • decrease heart rate and arterial blood pressure
    • treat angina, congestive heart failure, tremor, pheochromocytoma, anxiety, migraine
    • contraindicated in COPD or asthma
Card Set
neuro part 1 adrenergic receptor.txt
adrenergic receptor agonist/antagonist