Module 5

  1. _____ can be defined as the nonphysical traits, such as values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs. that are shared by a group of people and passed from one generation to the next
  2. What is heritage?
    Things passed down from previous generations for many generations
  3. What is one of the goals for Healthy People 2012?
    Is to eliminate health disparities by gender, race or ethnicity, education, income, disability, geographic location, and sexual orientation.
  4. What is Professional nursing care?
    is culturally sensitive, culturally appropriate, and culturally competent.
  5. Implies that nurses possess some basic knowledge of and constructive attitudes toward the health traditions observed among the diverse cultural groups found in the setting in which they are practicing.
    Culturally Sensitive
  6. Implies that nurses apply the underlying background knowledge that must be possessed to provide a given client with the best possible health care.
    Culturally Appropriate
  7. Implies that, within the delivered care, nurses understand and attend to the total context of the client's situation and use a complex combination of knowledge, attitudes, and skills.
    Culturally Competent
  8. Who is credited with creating the theory of culture care diversity and universality?
    Madeleine Leininger
  9. ______ focuses on providing care within the differences and similarities of the beliefs, values, and patterns of cultures.
    Transcultural nursing
  10. _____ is usually composed of people who have a distinct identity and yet are related to a larger cultural group.
  11. _____ is used to describe a person who has dual patterns of identification and crosses two cultures, lifestyles, and sets of values.
  12. What refers to the fact or state of being different?
  13. _____ occurs when people adapt to or borrow traits from another culture.
  14. What is the process by which an individual develops a new cultural identity?
  15. What is Race?
    is the classification of people according to shared biologic characteristics, genetic markers, or features.
  16. What is Prejudice?
    a negative belief or preference that is generalized about a group and that leads to "prejudgment." Also referred to as racism.
  17. What is Stereotyping?
    assuming that all members of a culture or ethnic group are alike.
  18. Belief that one's own culture or way of life is better than that of others.
  19. Differential treatment of individuals or groups based on categories such as race, ethnicity, gender, or social class.
  20. Disorder that occurs in response to transition from one cultural setting to another.
    Cultural Shock
  21. What is the concept that relates to the observance of beliefs and practices of a person's traditional cultural system?
    Heritage Consistency
  22. The model of heritage consistency has four overlapping components, they are?
    culture, ethnicity, religion, and socialization
  23. The process of being raised within a culture and acquiring
    the characteristics of that group is?
  24. Predicated on the concept of holistic health and describes what people do from a traditional perspective to maintain, protect, and restore health is?
    HEALTH traditions model
  25. Health and illness are controlled by supernatural forces is what belief?
    Magico-religious health belief
  26. Life and life processes are controlled by physcial and biochemical processes that can be manipulated by humans is what belief?
    Scientific or biomedical health belief
  27. Holds that the forces of nature must be maintained in balance or harmony is what belief?
    Holistic health belief
  28. Beliefs and practices relating to illness prevention and healing that derive from cultural traditions rather than from modern medicine's scientific base is?
    Folk medicine
  29. The most obvious cultural difference is?
    Verbal communication: vocabulary, grammatical structure, voice qualities, intonation, rhythm, speed, pronunciation, and silence.
  30. What is the difference between a Translator and a Interpreter?
    • Translator converts written material from on language into
    • another, Interpreter is and individual who mediates spoken or signed communication between people speaking different languages without adding, omitting, or distorting meaning or editorializing.
  31. The major factor contributing to the increased emphasis on the need for proficiency in cultural nursing practice in the United States includes which of the following?
    1. An increasing birth rate
    2. Limited access to health care services
    3. Demographic changes
    4. A decreasing rate of immigration
    • 3. Demographic changes
    • There is an ongoing shift in the North American population which includes a decreasing number of Caucasian Americans and increasing numbers of other cultural groups.
  32. Which of the following behaviors is most indicative of culturally sensitive nursing practice?
    1. Helps client recognize the need to adapt health practices to fit commonly accepted practices
    2. Discusses the meaning of the medical regime to the client
    3. Informs client that lack of adherence to medical regime may be dertimental
    4. Asks a person from the same culture to explain the relevance of the intervention
    • 2. Discusses the meaning of the medical regime to the client 
    • Cultural differences may result in various interpretations of medical regime. Cultural sensitivity results in recognition of the right "not to fit." This is a standard of practice and should be initiated with all clients
  33. In initiating care for a client of a different culture than the nurse, which of the following would be an appropriate statement?
    1. "Since, in your culture people don't drink ice water, i will bring you hot tea."
    2. "Do you have any books i could read about people of your culture?"
    3. "Please let me know if i do anything that is not acceptable in your culture."
    4. "You will need to set aside your usual customs and practices while you are in the hospital."
    • 3. "Please let me know if i do anything that is not acceptable in your culture."
    • The nurse should indicate that he or she is open to diverse views and practices. The nurse needs to assess which customs and practices the individual client performs before drawing conclusions
  34. Which of the following behaviors is most representative of a culturally competent nurse?
    1. Helps clients of Native-American heritage identify ways to relate more to their culture
    2. Helps parents of Latino heritage recognize that their children need to speak English
    3. Interprets and validates beliefs of a client with African American heritage
    4. Asks a nurse of Japanese heritage to teach others dosage calculations since Asians are good at math
    • 3. Interprets and validates beliefs of a client with African American heritage
    • Culturally competent implies that, within the delivered care, the nurse understands and attends to the total context of the client's situation, including awareness of immigration, stress factors, and cultural differences.
  35. Students ask the nurse to explain the differences between culture and race. Which of the following is the best response?
    1. Culture is limited to a shared language of religion.
    2. Race describes common characteristics within a specific heritage group.
    3. Culture is socially oriented and race addresses shared physical traits
    4. Culture is the degree by which one's lifestyle matches one's heritage.
    • 3. Culture is socially oriented and race addresses shared physical traits
    • Culture involves socially inherited characteristics of a group. Race usually addresses shared physical characteristics among a group of individuals
  36. What are two driving forces for the immense need for culturally focused nursing care?
    1. Demographic changes in the United States
    2. The use of international nurses to supplement the nursing shortage in the united States
    3. The influence of immigration on health services 
    4. The influence of herbal supplements being used
    • 1. Demographic changes in the United States
    • 3. The influence of immigration on health services
    • both are two major reasons for the immense need for culturally focused nursing care.
  37. A client who has a French mother and an Italian father is described as having a _____ identification.
    1. Bicultural
    2. Diversity
    3. Subculture
    4. Acculturation
    5. Assimilation
    • 1. Bicultural
    • is used to describe a person with dual patterns of identification who crosses two cultures, lifestyles, and sets of values
  38. A client who is homosexual is described as having: 
    1. Biculturalism
    2. Acculturation
    3. Diversity
    4. Subculture
    5. Assimilation
    • 3. Diversity
    • refers to the fact or state of being different. Many factors account for diversity: race, gender, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic statue, educational attainment, religious affiliation and so on.
  39. The involuntary process of _____ occurs when people adapt
    to or borrow traits from another culture.
    1. Biculturalism
    2. Acculturation
    3. Diversity
    4. Subculture
    5. assimilatiom
    • 2. acculturation
    • is the involuntary process that occurs when people adapt to or borrow traits from another culture.
  40. If a citizen of Japan permanently moves to America, then
    ______ may occur when that individual becomes an American citizen.
    1. Biculturalism
    2. Diversity
    3. Assimilation
    4. Subculture
    5. acculturation
    • 3.assimilation
    • is the process by which an individual develops a new cultural identity. It means the person becomes similar to the members of the dominant culture.
  41. If a nurse caring for a Chinese client orders rice for every meal without consulting the client, the nurse may be:
    1. prejudiced
    2. Discriminatory
    3. Stereotyping
    4. racist
    • 3. stereotyping
    • is assuming that all members of a culture or ethnic group are alike, instead of unique individuals.
  42. Using the HEALTH traditions model, which of the following would be considered an example of spiritual and mental health?
    1. Avoiding persons who can cause illnesses
    2. Special foods and drinks
    3. Acupuncture
    4. Exorcism
    • 4. Exorcism
    • is considered both a mental and spiritual method of maintaining health, protecting heal, and restoring health.
  43. Complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) are being used more frequently and are becoming more socially acceptable. What is one example of a CAM therapy?
    1. Massage
    2. Antibiotics
    3. Electric shock therapy
    4. Chicken soup
    • 4. Massage
    • is an example of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) that is being used as an alternative to Western medical treatment.
  44. While caring for a Latin American client who cannot speak or understand English, the nurse recognizes that she will need a _____ in order to care for the client.
    1. Family member
    2. Translator
    3. Representative
    4. interpreter
    • 4. interpreter
    • is an individual who mediates spoken or signed communication between people speaking different languages, without adding, omitting, or distorting material from one language to another.
  45. While caring for a diverse cultural population, the nurse
    must recognize that cultural beliefs and behaviors may lead to:
    1. stereotyping.
    2. Ethnocentricity
    3. Placing of the nurse’s culture to others 
    4. Being confused regarding the many values and beliefs of different cultures.
    • 1. stereotyping
    • is assuming that all members of a culture or ethnic group are alike. Stereotyping that is unrelated to reality may be based on racism or discrimination
  46. Identify which nursing interventions would be beneficial
    in communication with clients that have limited knowledge of English.
    1. Use slang words, limited medical terminology, and no abbreviations
    2. Speak slowly, in a respectful manner, and at a normal volume.
    3. Use nonverbal communication, which uses silence, touch, eye movement, facial expressions, and body posture that is acceptable to that particular culture.
    4. Ask a member of the client's family, especially a child or spouse, to act as interpreter.
    5. Address the client, not the interpreter
    • Awnser: 2, 3, 5
    • Health beliefs and practices, family patterns, communication style, space and time orientation, and nutritional patterns may influence the relationship between the nurse and the client who have different cultural backgrounds.
  47. Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competence is based on a framework that integrates transcultural nursing, medical anthropology, and multicultural counseling. Identify 3 of the 5 constructs of this model of cultural competence.
    1. Cultural awareness
    2. Cultural appearance
    3. Cultural desires 
    4. Cultural skills 
    5. Cultural experiences
    • Answer: 1, 3, 4
    • Nurses are encouraged to integrate cultural skills, encounters, desires, awareness, and knowledge. Methods to obtain the integration include in-services, community events that entertain other cultures, and by reviewing prefessional nursing journals that include cultural awareness topics.
  48. According to the Campinha-Bacote's model of cultural competence, what are the five constructs?
    • cultural awareness
    • cultural knowledge
    • cultural skills
    • cultural encounters, 
    • cultural desires
Card Set
Module 5
culture and heritage (chapter 18)