chapter 25

  1. advocate
    a person who defends or pleads the cause of another ; one that supports or promotes the interests of another
  2. affable
    pleasant and at ease in talking to others , characterized by ease and friendliness
  3. agenda
    a list or outline of things to be considered or done
  4. anacillary
    subordinate , auxiliary
  5. appraisal
    an expert judgment of the value or merit of ; judgment as to quality
  6. blatant
    completely obvious , conspicuous , or obtrusive , especially in a crass or offensive manner , brazen
  7. burnout
    exhaustion of physical or emotional strength or motivation , usually as a result of prolonged stress or frustration
  8. chain of command
    a series of executive positions in
  9. cohesive
    sticking together tightly ; producing cohesion
  10. disparaging
    slighting , having a negative or degrading tone
  11. embezzlement
    stealing from an employer ; goods ; service ; or funds ; without permission
  12. impenetrable
    incapble of being penetrated or pierced ; not capable of being damaged or harmed
  13. incentives
    things that incite or spur to action ; rewards or reasons for performing a task
  14. liaison
    a close bond or connection ; a person with a connection ; contract ; link ; or conspiracy with another person or group
  15. mentors
    trusted counselor or guides
  16. meticulous
    marked by extreme or excessive care in the consideration or treatment of details
  17. micromanage
    to manage with great or excessive control or attention to detail
  18. motivation
    to process of inciting a person to some action or behavior
  19. reprimands
    criticisms for a fault ; severe or formal reproofs
  20. retention
    the act of keeping in possession or use ; keeping in one's pay or service
  21. subordinate
    submissive to or controlled by authority ; placed in or occupying a lower class ; rank ; or postition
  22. targeted
    directed or used toward a target ; directed toward a specific desire or position
  23. charismatic
    inspire allegiance and devotion from their followers
  24. transactional
    structured and organized
  25. transformational
    innovative and able to bring about change in an organization
  26. styles of management
    • autocratic
    • democratic
    • laissez-faire
  27. autocratic
    makes demands and insists that tasks be done his or her way
  28. democratic
    fair-minded and asks the opinions of the staff when making decisions
  29. laissez-faire
    easygoing and does not make a lot of demands on employees
  30. power
    the ability to influence employees so that they carry out their directive
  31. types of power
    • coercive
    • expert
    • legitimate
    • referent
  32. intrinsic
    internal or originates inside someone
  33. extrinsic
    external and more material in nature
  34. low morale may exist because of
    • recent change in management
    • recent change in policies and procedures
    • terminations of other employees
    • lack of business
    • one employee who displays a poor attitude
  35. disbursement journal
    • every amount paid out
    • date and check number
    • purpose of payment
  36. three types of leaders
    • charismatic leader
    • transactional leader
    • transformational leader
  37. theory x
    hard management

    • humans dislike working and avoid it whenever possible
    • worker who do not like responsibility and perfer to be directed than to lead
  38. theory y
    people enjoy working

    soft manangement
  39. six factors that can lead to job dissatifaction include
    • company policy
    • supervision
    • relationship with supervisors
    • work conditions
    • salary
    • relationship with co-workers
  40. six factors that lead to job satifaction include
    • achievement
    • recognition
    • the work product
    • responisbility
    • advancement
    • growth
  41. who moved the cheese streeses several points about change that the good manager should remember
    • change happens
    • anticipate change
    • monitor change
    • adapt to change quickly
    • move with the change
    • enjoy change
    • be ready to change again quickly and enjoy it agin
  42. power is
    the ability to influence employees so that they carry out their directives
  43. coercive power is
    manipulative and the leaders often make threats or uses fear to accomplish goals
  44. granting reward is
     a more positive use of power
  45. expert power
    is a factor when the leader is knowledgeable
  46. legitimate power
    is that of position or status the individual who serves as president hold legitimate power
  47. referent power
    subordinate to who lead by example, mentors , parents , teachers
  48. types of problem patients
    • complainers
    • angry
    • needy
    • demanding
    • violent
    • nonpaying
    • noncompliant
    • drug seeking
    • reschedulers
  49. mangers also may use the ____  ____  _____ approach when talking with employess about their preformace
    • feel
    • felt
    • found
  50. 360 degrees evaluation
    is an excellent tool for evaluating any employee including manager
  51. meeting agenda
    • reading of the last meeting's minutes
    • discussion of any unfinished business
    • discussion of any problems in the clinical area
    • discussion of any problems in the administrative area
    • discussion of any problems in common area
    • adjournment
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chapter 25
chapter 25