BIO FINAL: pt. 3

  1. competition
    • occurs when resources need to overlap
    • when fundamental niche spaces overlap
  2. interspecific competition
    competition between individuals of different species (or between species)
  3. intraspecific competition
    competition between individuals of the same species
  4. mechanisms of competition
    • interference competition
    • exploitative competition
  5. interference competition
    • direct attack on a competitor
    • ex. corals fight each other
  6. exploitive competition
    preventing competitor from accessing resources without attacking
  7. competition exclusion principle
    • -whenever 2 species are competing for the same resource it will deplete faster
    • -the resource will not be enough for pop.
    • -the individual who can best use it will survive
    • -two species with identical or very similiar niche spaces can't live together indefinitely
    • -resource partitioning
  8. resource partitioning
    only way for species with similiar niche places to coexist
  9. ways to resource partition
    • 1. evolve or acclimate to use different resources
    • 2. use similiar resources but at different times
    • 3. use resources in different microhabitats
  10. Connel barnacle experiment
    Joe Connel switched barnacle species from upper and lower intertidal and found that competition with B prevents C from living in the lower intertidal
  11. Wethey barnacle experiment
    found that enviromental stress (temp. and dessication) prevents B from living in a higher intertidal
  12. predation
  13. positive interactions
    facilitation; presence of one species benefits aother
  14. symbiosis
    close associations between species that have evolved
  15. parisitism
    parasite benefits and host is hurt (+/-)
  16. commenalism
    one organism benefits while the other isn't hurt or helped (+/-)
  17. mutualism
    when both organisms benefit (+/+)
  18. keystone species
    species that have a disproportionitely large impact on their community
  19. low rate of disturbance=
    monoculture of climax species
  20. high rate of disturbance=
    only bare rock
  21. intermediate rate of disturbance=
    patches at all different stages, maximizes the number of species
Card Set
BIO FINAL: pt. 3
key terms and concepts