Disability Issues Midterm.txt

    • author "jenn"
    • tags "disability"
    • description ""
    • fileName "Disability Issues Midterm"
    • freezingBlueDBID -1.0
    • people first language

    always put the person first, not the disability.
  1. EX. A boy with autism
  2. Disability
    The inability or significantly reduced ability to perform one or more major life activities
  3. handicap
    describes the encounter between the person and the environment

    obstacles to a person's success

    • EX
    • social-attitudes
    • personal- lack of info
    • physical- lack of access
    • resources- money supports, insurance
  4. impairment
    a missing, damaged, deficient, or weakened body part or function

    • ex.
    • visual
    • cognitive
  5. five historical periods


    dehumanization of institutions

    humanization of institutuin

  6. Greek/Roman/Renaissance periods
    often viewed disability as a result of divine intervention (punishment for parents' sins or as evidence of being closer to the gods)

    Greeks and Romans kept people with mental and/or physical disabilities as slaves or amusement (warm up for gladiators)

    if they survived, people with disabilities were often cared for by the clergy

    • improvements came from:
    • rise of humanitarian
    • charity model
    • medical advances (illnesses from natural, not supernatural causes)
    • few if any rights as citizens
    • "simple idiots" became property of the crown in England and lost all rights
  7. dehumanization late 1800s to first half of 20th century
  8. individual identity was stripped away
    • over crowded and understaffed
    • poor/unsanitary conditions
    • same clothing or no clothing
    • hose down for showers
    • electric shock therapy and lobotomies used to "control" people
  9. dehumanization early 20th century
    scientists blames people with disabilities for society's ills

    • eugenics(social Darwinism) became popular
    • designation of "moral defectives" and waste humanity
    • passage of "ugly laws" meant government sanctioned segregation
    • forced sterilization- 60,000 reported cases
    • 1926- 23 states had mandatory sterilization laws
    • mostly women, they became sick or died
  10. Nazi Germany
    • Euthanasia Program "T4"
    • People with disabilities were the first targets of the systematic euthanasia, as early as 1939
    • killed children with disabilities first
    • experiments before and after
    • emptied the asylums
    • adults evaluated for their productivity potential
  11. humanization of institutions
    • 1950's-why
    • tried to treat illnesss
    • trained staff and hired professional staff
    • taught skills
    • segregated by disabilities
    • clothing/beds/fewer fences and walls
    • parents of children with disabilities began to organize
  12. Attitudes towards people with disabilities after WWII
    after WWII war veterans came back from war with disabilities and people started viewing PWD differently
  13. deinstitutionalization
    • primarly in 1960's and 1970's
    • people moved from state institution to community based facilities
    • large scale closure of institutions
    • 75% of people left institutions
    • 25% of funding followed them
    • drugs helped (thorazine)
    • advocacy (civil rights movement)
    • legislation (1963 community health center act
    • communities were not ready or equipped
    • NIMBYs (not in my back yard)
  14. consequences of deinstitutionalization
    • no supports available to live in community
    • family support
    • basic life skills (self-care, feeding)
    • awareness of social norms, behaviors
    • New systems of "transinstitutionilization" were created
    • moving people from state institutions to jails, nursing homes,shelters
    • rise in homelessness
    • estimates 50% mental illnesses
  15. Rehab act of 1973
    • the first major civil rights legislation for PWD
    • provided state funds for state vocational rehab services
    • 5 sections
  16. Section 504 of rehab act
    • The framework of of Title II of ADA
    • no one with a disability will be
    • excluded from the participation in
    • be denied of
    • or be subjected to discrimination under
    • .......any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance
  17. EHA (IDEA) (Definition)
    education for all handicapped children act

    individuals with disabilities education act

    guarantees that a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), including special education and related services is available to children w/disabilities who require it
  18. EHA (what it does)
    • oversees special education at a federal level
    • provides funding for education and due processes for all special education students
    • mandates IEPs and due process for all special education students
    • mandates that educational services are provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE)
  19. FAPE
    free and appropriate public education
  20. IEP
    individual education plan
  21. LRE
    least restrictive environment
  22. DD act (definition)
    • defined developmental disability
    • provided funds for protection and advocacy systems in each state
    • each governor appoints an agency that is NOT a service provider as an advocate
  23. developmental disability
    • chronic
    • manifested before age 22
    • likely to continue indefinitely
    • results in functional limitations
    • need for care of treatment
  24. ADA
    the Americans with disabilities act
  25. Title 1 of ADA
    • employment
    • "qualified individual"
    • has required skills, education and/or experience AND can do the essential function of the job WITH reasonable accommodation
  26. accommodations
    accommodations need to be reasonable

    EX. raising desk height

    do not have to be made if they present undue hardhsip
  27. title II of ADA
    • state/local government services
    • Program access
    • programs must be accessible to AND usable by people with disabilities
    • is not required if doing so will result in:
    • fundamental alteration
    • undue financial or administrative hardship

    • access can be provided through
    • changing program structure
    • improving architectural access
    • enhancing communication
  28. Title III
    • Public accommodations and Commercial facilities
    • covers private entities that are open to the public
    • exemptions are private membership clubs and religious entities
    • architectural, communication, and transportation barriers must be removed if it is READILY ACHIEVABLE to do so
    • easily accomplished w/o significant
    • difficulty or expense
  29. Title 4
  30. title 5
  31. who is a person with a disability
    • 1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more such person's major life activities
    • 2) has a record of such impairment
    • 3) is regarded as having such an impairment
  32. race
    a socially defined population based on visible, genetically transmitted physical characteristics
  33. ethnicity
    • sharing a sense of identity that is historically rooted in socially perceived differences of:
    • ancestry
    • national origin
    • language
    • traditions
  34. culture
    the attitudes and behaviors that are characteristics of a particular group or organization

    the belief, traditions, habits and values controlling the behavior of a group
  35. disability address culture
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Disability Issues Midterm.txt