vocab 14

  1. alacrity
    (n.) a cheerful readiness; brisk and eager action
  2. alleviate
    (v.) to relieve, make more bearable
  3. antithesis
    (n.) the direct opposite, a sharp contrast
  4. appall
    (v.) to fill with dismay or horror
  5. bellicose
    (adj.) warlike in manner or temperament; quarrelsome
  6. disparage
    (v.) to belittle, speak slightly of; to undervalue
  7. dissonant
    (adj.) not in harmony; disagreeing, at odds
  8. droll
    (adj.) amusingly odd
  9. edict
    (n.) an order issued by someone in authority
  10. elucidate
    (v.) to clarify, explain
  11. laud
    (v.) to praise
  12. loll
    (v.) to act in a lazy manner; to lounge; to recline, droop
  13. loquacious
    (adj.) talkative, wordy; fond of talking
  14. magnanimous
    (adj.) generous in forgiving, above small meanness
  15. mandatory
    (adj.) obligatory, required
  16. nondescript
    (adj.) ordinary, not outstanding; not easily classified
  17. phlegmatic
    (adj.) slow-moving, sluggish; unemotional
  18. rescind
    (v.) to repeal, cancel
  19. vivacious
    (adj.) lively, sprightly, full of energy
  20. whet
    (v.) to sharpen, put an edge on; to make keen or eager
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vocab 14
vocab 14