midterm 2

  1. the act of converting sensation into neural impulses
    sensory transduction
  2. the smallest amount of stimulus one can detect
    absolute threshold
  3. the minimal difference needed to notice a difference between two stimuli
    difference threshold
  4. this type of threshold is propotional to the stregth of the original stimulus
    difference threshold (radio loud...needs to be louded to notice change)
  5. this type of adaptation allows us to focus on important stimuli
    sensory adaptation
  6. when a babies cry can wake a mother up, but a thunderstorm can not...this is an example of?
    sensory adaptation
  7. this type of processing intakes raw sensory data to the brain, the brain uses all the data to build a perception
    bottom-up processing
  8. when you expect to see a specific object, you are more likely to interpret it that way
    perceptual set
  9. light waves enter the ______
  10. light enters the eye through a small opening called a
  11. light is focused by the _____
  12. in the eye the _____ contains all the receptor cells and transduces light into nerve impusles
  13. these sensory receptors are abundant in the eye and are sensitive to light, but not acute
    rods for night vision
  14. these eye receptors are used for central and color vision
  15. these eye receptors need more light than their counter part
  16. the regio of our vision where vision is the sharpest
    Fovea centralis
  17. this part of the eye is made up of cones, in the center of the retinA
    Fovea Cenralis
  18. 3 characteristics of light
    • saturation
    • hue
    • brightness
  19. visual information leaves the retina and enters the part of the brain called the ______ initially, and then the primary visual cortex in the _____ lobe
    • Thalmus
    • occipital
  20. this pathway in the visual process is object identification and facial recognition
    the what pathway
  21. this pathway in the visual process identifies where an object is in space
    where pathway
  22. This condition occurs when there is damage to the temporal lobe; cennot recognize objects
    visual agnosia
  23. one form of visual agnosia;the patient cannot recognize faces
Card Set
midterm 2
terms for midterm 2