
  1. Molecule
    Result of 2+ atoms joining
  2. Ion
    Charged atom
  3. Ionic Bond
    Bond occuring between metals and non-metals of negative and positive atoms
  4. Covalent Bond
    The supposedly equal share of electrons between non-metals
  5. Element
    Base of everything.
  6. Carbohydrates
    Structural components for some organisms
  7. Types of Carbohydrates
    • Monosaccharide
    • Disaccharide
    • Polysaccharide
  8. Monosaccaride
    The smallest unit of sugar with 3-8 atoms.
  9. Example of Monosaccride
  10. Disaccharide
    Combo of 2+ simple sugars
  11. Example of saccharide
  12. Polysaccharide
    Many sugars in a chain
  13. Example of polysaccharide
  14. Lipids
    Fatty acids, a source of energy for animals
  15. 2 molecules lipids are made of
    • Gycerol
    • 3 fatty acid tails
  16. Two types of fat
    Saturated and unsaturated
  17. Saturated fat
    Maximum of hydrogen bonds
  18. Unsaturated fats
    At least one double bond
  19. Proteins are made from
    Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, nitrogen and phosphorus
  20. 3 things protein does
    • Makes up structuaral components of organisms
    • Helps transport things in the body
    • Made from 2 amino acids by a peptide bond
  21. Example of protein
  22. Metabolism
    A web of chemical reactions in your body dependent on metabolism as well as each other
  23. Catabolism
    Break down
  24. Anabolism
    Creating/ building up molecules
  25. Oxidized
    When an atom loses electrons
  26. Respiration
    Process of making energy
  27. Glucose
    Simple sugar C6H12C6
  28. Glycolysis
    8 steps in which glucose is broken down into 2 pyruvates (4ATP)
  29. Pyruvate
    Half of a glucose
  30. Kreb Cycle
    Step after glycolysis where the pyruvates enter the cycle to make 2 or more ATP
  31. Electron Transport Chain
    A chain electrons are lead through that pushes the H+ into the membrane and then go through a protein pump to make 32 total ATP
  32. Anaerobic Respiration
    Glycolysis only
  33. Aerobic respiration
    Glycolysis (+2 ATP), Kreb cycle (+2 ATP), ETC (+32 ATP) 36 total ATP
  34. Oxygen
    The last electron acceptor
  35. Lactic acid
    Bi-product of the pyruvates from anareobic respiration
  36. Carbon dioxide
    Bi-product of respiration
  37. ATP
    Energy created from respiration
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Information for unit two test