The 13 Colonies Chart

  1. Who was the founder of Virginia in 1607?
    John Smith and London Company
  2. What was the reason for finding Virginia?
    Economic Opportunity and Profit
  3. What type of government does Virginia have from beginning to end?
    • Joint-Stock
    • Royal
  4. Who founded Masscachusetts?
    • The Pilgrims-William Bradford
    • The Puritans-John Winthrop
  5. What was the reason for the founding of Massachusetts?
    • Religious freedom (MAIN reason)
    • Economic Opportunity
  6. Who was the founder of Connecticut in 1636?
    Thomas Hooker
  7. What was the reason for the founding of Connecticut?
    • Split with Puritans of Massachusetts
    • Need for more farmland
  8. What was the government type of Massachusetts?
    • Joint-stock
    • Self Governing
    • Royal
  9. Goverment type of Connecticut?
    Self Governing
  10. Government type for Rhode Island?
    Self Governing
  11. Who founded Rhode Island in 1636?
    Roger Williams
  12. What was the reason for the founding of Rhode Island?
    • Disagreement with Puritan law
    • Government based on religious toleration
  13. Who was the founder of New Hampshire in 1622?
    • Fernando Gorges
    • John Mason
  14. What was the reason for the founding of New Hampshire?
    • Fishing outpost initially
    • Off shoot of Massachusetts
  15. Government type of New Hampshire?
    • Propreitary
    • Royal
  16. Who was the founder of Pennyslvania in 1682?
    William Penn (Quakers)
  17. What else was Pennsylvania called?
    Penn's Holy Experiment
  18. What type of government does Pennsylvania have?
  19. What was the reason for the founding of Pennsylvania?
    • Quakers believe all people were equal
    • Pacificts who refused to fight in war
  20. Who was the founder of New Jersey in 1664?
    • John Berkeley
    • George Carteret
  21. Reason for the founding of New Jersey?
    • Land grant from Charles II
    • Split into East aand West
    • Land Sold for Profit
  22. Government type of New Jersey?
    • Proprietary
    • Royal
  23. Who were the founders of Delaware in 1638?
    • Swedish Settlers (Christiana)
    • William Penn (lower counties)
  24. Reason for the founding of Delaware?
    Later Split from Pennnsylvania
  25. Goverment type of Delaware?
    Proprietary Colony
  26. Reason for the founding of Maryland?
    • Haven for Catholic
    • Land for tobacco farming
  27. What kind of government was Maryland?
    Proprietary Colony
  28. Who founded Maryland in 1632?
    Sir Cecilius Calvert (Lord Baltimore)
  29. Who founded New York in 1624?
    • Duke of York
    • Dutch
  30. What was the reason for founding New York?
    • Expand trade
    • Gift from Charles II
    • Took it from the Dutch
  31. Government type of New York?
  32. Who founded the Carolinas (North and South) in 1663?
    8 Noblemen
  33. What was the reason for finding the Carolinas?
    Land for tobacco, rice, and indigo plantations
  34. Government type of the Carolinas?
    • Proprietary
    • Royal
  35. Who was the founder of Georgia in 1732?
    James Oglethorpe
  36. Goverment type of Georgia?
  37. Reason for the founding of Georgia?
    • Haven for people freed from debtor's prison
    • Buffer against Spanish Florida
  38. What was Georgia originally founded as?
    A social experiment
  39. What was the 1st constitution to later influence the basis for later state consitituions?
    Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
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The 13 Colonies Chart