Midterm Skills

  1. Trauma Assessment: The assessment yuo complete for a minor versus major trauma is different. What is the difference?
    "I would do a focused history and physical exam on a minor trauma patient and a rapid trauma assessment on a major trauma patient."
  2. Trauma Assessment: Explain pre assessment steps in the trauma exam.
    "Expose patient or injuries for assessment. Direct crew to prepare backboard for patient transport(if needed). Obtain Sample history and vital signs as appropriate.
  3. Trauma Assessment: Student verbalizes DCAP-BTLS
    Deformity, contusions, abrasions, puntures(or penetrations), burns, tenderness, lacerations and swelling."
  4. 1 person bvm and opa: You have been asked to ventilate a non breathing patient. How do you assess for a patients need to be ventilated?
    I would look for signs of inadequate breathing, such as unequal or no chest expansion, rates below or above normal range, excessive effort required, and cyanosis.
  5. 1 person bvm and opa: What is the oxygen flow rate for a bvm?
  6. 1 person bvm and opa: how often do you ventilate an adult? a child?
    one breath every five to six seconds (10-12 breaths per minute) for adults and one breath every three to five seconds(12-20 breaths per minute) for children
  7. Vital Signs: Explain what your are counting and multiplying by. What things do you report regarding the respiratory reate and pulse rate?
    I will count the number of beats in 15 seconds and multiply by 4. If the pulse is slow or irregular I will count the beats in 30 seconds and multiply by 2. I will report the pulse rate strength and regularity. I will count the number of breaths in 30 seconds and multiply by 2 or in 15 seconds and multiply by 4. I will report the respiratory rate, rhythm and quality of breathing.
  8. vital signs: verbalize how to palpate a bp
    • With bp cuff properly locatd feel for radial pulse.
    • inflate cuff to at least 30mmHg where radial ceases to be palpable
    • deflate cuff slowly as when ausculating.
    • Note when radial returns. This is the systolic bp
    • report systolic over p
  9. Vital signs: What other things do you assess for during vital sign checks?What does perl stand for?
    Skin color temperature and moisture condition. Also pupils are assessed. PERL stands for pupils are equal and reactive to light.
  10. NPA/Suctioning: If NPA has a bevel how is the NPA oriented to the patient?
    Insert NPA with bevel pointing toward septum.
  11. NPA/Suctioning: How do you know if the NPA is fully insterted?
    The flange or proximal ring should rest gainst the end of the nostril.
  12. NPA/Suctioning:When do ou actually suciton the patient? How long should you suciton the patient?
    Suction as catheter is withdrawn. Limit suciton to 10 seconds.
  13. 1 & 2 person rescuer CPR & AED: The patient is now breathing on his own. What further treatment could you do?
    Place the patient in recovery position and put them on a non-rebreather mask at 15 lpm
  14. Oxygen admin: How do you assess a patients need for oxygen?
    I am assessin the patients need for oxygen by observing patients skin signs, pulse oximetry level and breathing effort.
  15. Oxygen admin: what is the flow rate for the nasal cannula? What is the flow rate for a non-rebreather mask? What isrtuctions would you give the patient while the cannula or non-rebreather mask is in place?
    1-6 lpm for a nasal cannula or 12-15 lpm for a non -rebreather mask. I would instruct the patient to breathe normally while the cannula or non-rebreather mask is in place.
Card Set
Midterm Skills
Midterm SKills verbals