chapter 3.txt

  1. Attributes
    characteristics of persons of things
  2. concept
    a mental image that symbolizes an idea, an object, an event, or a person
  3. critical social science
    a paradigm distinguished by its focus on oppression and its commitment to use research procedures to empower oppressed groups
  4. deduction
    the logical model in which specific expectations of hypotheses are developed on the basis of general principles. starting from the general principle making assumptions
  5. dependent variable
    that variable that is assumed to depend on or causes by another
  6. hypothesis
    • a tentative and testable prediction about how changes in one thing are expected to explain and be accompanied by changes in something else.
    • statement of something that ouch to be observed in the real work if a theory is correct
  7. hypothesis testing
    the determination of weather the expectations that a hypothesis represents are actually found to exist in the real world
  8. ideology
    a closed system of belief and values that shapes that understanding and behavior or those who believe
  9. idiographic
    an approach to explanation in which we attempt to explain a single case fully, using many idiosyncratic, explanatory factors as may be necessary
  10. independent variable
    • a variable whose values are not problematical in an analysis but are taken as simple given.
    • presumed to cause or explain dependent variable
  11. interpretivism
    approach to social research that focuses on gaining an empathic understanding of how people feel inside, seeking to interpret individuals everyday experiences, deeper meanings and feelings, and idiosyncratic reasons for their behavior
  12. nomothetic
    an approach to explanation in which we attempt to discover factors that can offer a general though imperfect explanation of some phenomenon
  13. observations
    information we gather by experience in the real world that helps us build a theory or verify whether it is correct when testing hypothesis
  14. paradigm
    • a model or frame of reference that shapes our observations and understanding
    • ex) functionalism- leads us to examine society in terms of the functions served by its constituent
  15. positivism
    a paradigm that held that social behavior could be studied and understood in a rational scientific manner
  16. postmodernism
    a paradigm that rejects the notion of a knowable objective social reality
  17. qualitative research methods-
    research that emphasize depth of understanding and the deeper meanings of human experience, and that aim to generate theoretically richer albeit more tentative observations
  18. quantitative methods
    research methods that emphasize precise objective and generalizable findings
  19. relationship
    variables that change together in consistent, predictable fashion
  20. replication
    the duplication of a study expose or reduce error or reintroduction or withdrawal of an intervention
  21. theory
    a systematic set of interrelated statements intended to explain some aspect of social life or enrich our sense of how people conduct and find meaning in their daily lives
  22. variables
    • logical groupings or attributes
    • variable- gender
    • attributes- female and male
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chapter 3.txt
last edited on 10/15