Chapter 46 Part 1

  1. Asexual Reproduction
    The formation of new individuals whose genes all come from one parent.
  2. Sexual Reproduction
    The formation of offspring by the fusion of haploid gametes.
  3. Egg/Ovum
    Female gamete which is usually large and nonmotile.
  4. Sperm
    Male gamete which is usually small and motile.
  5. What are three methods of asexual reproduction in invertebrates?
    Fission, budding, and fragmentation.
  6. Fission
    Asexual reproduction in whihc a parent separates into 2 or more approximately equal-sized individuals. An example is the sea anemone.
  7. Budding
    Asexual reproduction in which new individuals split off from existing ones. An example is the hydra.
  8. Fragmentation
    The breaking of the body into several pieces, some or all of which develop into complete adults. An example is a sea star.
  9. What does fragmentation require?
    The regeneration of lost body parts.

  10. What type of reproduction does this represent?

  11. What type of reproduction this represent?

  12. What type of reproduction does this represent?
  13. What are three advantages of asexual reproduction?
    Organisms can reproduce without needing to find a mate, can have numerous offspring in a short period of time, and, in stable environments, allows for the perpetuation of successful genotypes.
  14. Parthenogenesis
    The process by which an unfertilized egg develops into an (often) haploid adult.
  15. Parthenogenesis playes a role in the social organization of _________, _________, and _________.
    bees, wasps, and ants.
  16. Male honeybees are ____________.
    Female honeybees are ___________.
    haploid, diploid.
  17. Hermaphroditism
    One individual is functional as both a male and a female.
  18. Hermaphroditism results in what?
    Twice as many offspring because both individuals receive sperm and have eggs.
  19. What type of habitat is required for external fertilization?
    A moist habitat that will protect from desiccation and heat stress.
  20. Pheremones
    Chemical signals released by one organism that influence the behavior of other individuals of the same species.
  21. In internal fertilization, sperm are deposited in or near what?
    The female reproductive tract.
  22. What happens to the eggs of the giant water bug?
    They are glued onto the male's back after fertilization.
  23. What are the external reproductive structures for females?
    2 sets of labia surrounding the clitoris and vaginal opening.
  24. What are the internal reproductive organs of the female?
    A pair of gonads and a system of ducts and chambers.

  25. What is the name of A?

  26. What is the name of B?

  27. What is the name of C?

  28. What is the name of D?
    Bartholin's gland

  29. What is the name of E?
    Vaginal opening

  30. What is F?

  31. What is G?

  32. What is H?

  33. What is I?
    Urinary Bladder

  34. What is J?
    Pubic Bone

  35. What is K?

  36. What is L?

  37. What is M?

  38. What is N?

  39. What is O?
    Labia Minora

  40. What is P?
    Labia Majora

  41. What do L-N compose?
    The clitoris

  42. What is A?

  43. What is B?

  44. What is C?

  45. What is D?

  46. What is E?

  47. What is F?
    Corpus Luteum

  48. What is G?
    Uterine Wall

  49. What is H?
  50. What do follicles consist of?
    One egg cell surrounded by one or more layers of follicle cells.
  51. What do follicles produce?
    The primary female sex hormones, aka estrogens.
  52. What do follicles do for the developing egg cell?
    They nourish and protect it.
  53. How many follicles are females born with?
  54. How many follicles mature during each menstrual cycle?
  55. After ovulation, the remaining follicular tissue develops into the _______________.
    Corpus Luteum
  56. What does the corpus luteum secrete?
    estrogens and progesterone
  57. What does the corpus luteum do during pregnancy?
    It maintains the uterine lining.
  58. At ovulation the egg is released where?
    Into the abdominal cavity near the opening of the oviduct.
  59. How does the egg get into the oviduct? Where does the egg go next?
    Its cilia-lined funnel-like opening draws the egg in. To the uterus.
  60. Endometrium
    The highly vascularized inner lining of the uterus.
  61. The neck of the uterus, the ___________, opens into the _____________.
    Cervix, vagina.
  62. During sexual arousal for females, _______________ secrete mucus into the _____________.
    Bartholin's glands, vestibule (near vaginal opening).
  63. True or false: mammary glands are present in males.
  64. What type of tissue are mammary glands made out of?
    Epithelial tissue.
Card Set
Chapter 46 Part 1
Biology 109 at UMKC Flash Cards