
  1. Sir Francis Bacon
    • 1561-1626
    • Empiricism
    • England
    • "Idols"
  2. Rene Descartes
    • 1596-1650
    • Rationalism
    • Mechanization
    • France
  3. John Locke
    • 1632-1704
    • England
    • Empiricism
    • "Blank Slate"
    • An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
  4. David Hume
    • 1711-1776
    • Scotland
    • Empiricism - radical Empiricist
    • supported many unpopular causes, reviled for unorthodix religious views
    • for Hume, causality is not a primary quality
    • all emotions are founded on pain or pleasure
  5. Baruch Spinoza
    • 1632-1677
    • Rationalism
    • Because of Jewish persecution, his family fled from Spain to Holland, where he was born.
    • Argued against Descartes' dualism. There is no gulf between God and the world or mind and body.
    • He was refused scholarships and jobs because of his beliefs, but he would not change his position.
  6. Immanuel Kant
    • 1724-1804
    • born in East Prussia (Germany)
    • Classified as a rationalist, but recognized that knowledge begins with experience.
    • analytic a priori vs. synthetic priori statements
    • moral development
    • problems associated with nationalism
  7. Thomas Hobbes
    • 1588-1679
    • England
    • Mechanization
    • self-interest serves as the primary basis for motivation
  8. Sir Charles Bell
    • 1744-1842
    • Scotland
    • Mechanization
    • spinal nerves are specialized
    • Bell-Magendie Law
  9. Francios Magendie
    • 1783-1855
    • France
    • Mechanization
    • Bell-Magendie Law
  10. phrenology
    • Gall and Spurzheim
    • Character and personality traits are related to specific regions of the brain. It was also believed that the surface features of the skull can be used as a means of assessing character.
  11. Paul Broca
    • 1824-1880
    • France
    • Mechanization
    • Broca's area - speech production
  12. Carl Wernicke
    • 1848-1905
    • Germany
    • Mechanization
    • Wernicke's area - speech comprehension
  13. Herman von Helmoltz
    • 1821-1894
    • Germany
    • Mechanization
    • measured the speed of conduction of a nervous impulse
  14. Sir Francis Galton
    • 1822-1911
    • England
    • Quantification
    • Charles Darwin's cousin
    • statistics - concept of correlation
Card Set
History of Psychology cards