1. define auscultation
    Listening to body movements (like with a stethoscope)
  2. How long is the cardiac cycle?
    About 75 bpm
  3. What is a normal BP?
    119/ 79

  4. What are the sounds you hear when taking blood pressure and how many are there?
    5 Korotkoff sounds: turbulence when the brachial is occluded

    first sounds are loud, last sound is when it disappears or is very softened
  5. Describe Pulse Pressure
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    pp=40 is normal
  6. How do you determine a pulse deficit?
    By measureing the different pulses at the aprical, radial, and tibial arteries
  7. What is Tidal Volume?
    TV is the amount of aire inhaled or exhaled with each breath under resting conditions (500ml)
  8. What is IRV?
    Inspirtatory Reserve Volume: amount of air that can be forefully inhaled after a normal tidal volume inhalation (3100ml)
  9. What is ERV?
    Expiratory Reserve Volume: amount of air that can bbe forecully exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation
  10. What is RV?
    Residual Volume: about 1200ml
  11. What is Functional Residual Capacity and what is Inspiratory Capacity
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    1200+1200= 2400ml

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    3100+500= 3600ml
  12. What is TLC?
    • Total lung capacity:
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  13. What is MAP?
    Mean Arterial Pressure: Measures condition of arteries

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  14. What is FEV and FEV1?
    FEV is forced expiratory volume and FEV1 is the air forcefully expired in the first second

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    FVC=forced vital capacity, we will use regular VC for manual calculations

    these numbers come from chart with averages, or from spirometer measurements
  15. What is Vital Capacity?
    Maximum amount of air that can be exhaled after a maxiumum inspiration (3600-4800ml)

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    predicted VC comes from chart, average VC measured with spirometer
  16. What is a spirometer?
    measures respiratory volumes
  17. If the FEV is low, what could be the problem?
    Asthma or Emphysemia

    (COPD diseases make it harder to exhale. sometimes results in air trapping)
  18. If the VC is low, what could be the problem?
    TB, polio, pulmonary fibrosis
Card Set
LCCC A&P II Lab Exam II cardio Respirtatory