anp lab2

  1. kidney
    • these are the large kidney bean shaped organ located on the posterior dorsal wall of the abdominal cavity.
    • they lie beneath a layer of connective tissue on iether side of the dorsal aorta. they produce urine
  2. ureter
    these are the paired tubes wicch join the kidneys and the urinary bladder. they conduct urine to the bladder
  3. urinary baldder
    this is the large sack which is located between the two umbilical arteries. it is the temporary storage chamber for urine.
  4. urethra
    THIS TUBE TRANSPORT urine to the outside when the urinary bladder is emptied. it is relativlely short in females, and jst ventral to the anus. it is much longer in males. and ends at the urogenital opening. it also functions to conduct semen in males
    this struture is the external pouch or sac located just ventrally to the tail and anus. it contains the testes
  6. testes
    these are the small, bean shaped male reprodcutive organs contained within the scrotum. they produce sperm and testosterone.
  7. epididymis
    these are located superficially on the posterior margin of the testes. they are a long and coiled tubulewhich coils to use very little space, they fucntion in sperm stargae and maturation
  8. ductus deferens or vas deferens
    • these are the ducts which connect the epididymis to the urethra
    • they turn over the ureters to hoin the urethra just anterior to where the ureters enter the bladder. their fucntion is to transfer sperm from the epididymis to the urthra during an ejaculation
  9. inguinal canal
    these are the pasageways through the abdominal wall in the groin of males through which the ductus deferens and blood vessels pass to the testes.
  10. seminal vesicles
    these are small glands and are located near the junction of the ductus deferens and the urethra. they produce some of the seminal fluid
  11. prostate gland
    this is a small gland which surrounds the junction oof the ductus deferens and the urthra. it produces some of the seminal fluid. to find the prostate gland, dissect between the seminal vesicles.
  12. bulbouretral glands
    a pair of glands near the base of the penis in the pelvic canal on either side of the urethra. they produce some of the seminal fluid. it is also called cowpers glands
  13. penis
    the male copulator organ located ventrally on the exterior abdominal wall just posterior to umbilical cord
  14. ovaries
    these are the female rprodcutive organs. they are small bean shaped located on the dorsal abdominal wall just posterior to the kidneys. they produce eggs and hormones, like estrogen and progesterone
  15. uterine tubes or fallopian tubes
    these are the small ducts found between the ovaries and uterine horns. they are the passageways through which eggs reach the uterus. fertilization occurs in the uterine tubes.
  16. uterine horns
    these are the wider tubes located at the end of the uterine tubes and connected to the uterine body. embryos devlelop withing these tubes.
  17. uterine body
     this is the single, wider tubes formed by the union of the two uterien horns. the cervix is at its posterior end
  18. vagina
    this is the most posterior tube of the female rporductive tract. it is the femal copulatory organ and recives the males penis during copulation.
  19. genital papilla
    this is the feamles external genitalia located directly below the anus.
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anp lab2