
  1. what is it defined by
    geography rather than doctrine
  2. meaning of hindu
    people of india
  3. what type of religion is it
  4. Geographical origin
    Indus Valley, northern India
  5. Creed
    first stage of growth
    • Vedic period
    • -Aryan Invasion
    • -vedic hymns that recognized Tat Ekam
    • -many differenct Gods / goddesses
  6. Creed

    Tat Ekam
    one reality

    origin of all things
  7. Creed
    what period began after the Vedic period
    • Upanishads
    • -600 BCE
  8. Creed
    what was the message of Upanishands books
    • Brahman
    • -the one divine reality beneath the diversity of Gods / worlds
    • -life of everything
    • -each indivuial self is a part of the Great self of the universe
    • -all different Gods/goddesses are different expressions of one reality
  9. Creed
    How is the religion of the vedas different from the upanishads
    • Vedas
    • -Gods are personifications of natural forces
    • -focus on offering sacrifice to maintain natural order

    • Upanishads
    • -more philosophical / speculative
    • -focused on whether there is one single eternal reality that is the source of all that is and whether that reality can be known
  10. what two perspectives did Upanishads develop
    • Brahman and Atman
    • -refer to the individual essence, soul or self and the universal absolute self or supreme reality
  11. Brahman v Atman
    • Brahman
    • -the ultimate reality

    • Atman
    • -the eternal soul or self
  12. relation between human heart and heart of divine
    the deepest heart of each of us is one with the heart of the divine
  13. popular form of hinduism
    Bhakti -- way of love

    God descends from above and takes human form (avatars) (Krishna / Shiva)
  14. how does one experience unity with God
    • through path of love
    • accepting love of God, loving God in return, and feeling him alive in us
  15. male / female divine expression
    male expressions of the divine can never stand alone

    they need female counterpart
  16. Code

    Dharma   (2)
    • inner structure
    • -univeral order of things that enables all  the elements of creation to function together as a whole

    - everything has a role and a place
  17. Code

    Caste system
    • based on dharma
    • -way of affirming the different "jobs" necessary to  keep society operating
  18. what happens when you act in accordance with Dharma
    you will have good karma, if not you will have bad karma
  19. what were the upanishads concern with reincarnation
    being trapped in a never ending cycle of suffering called Samsara
  20. what is samsara and its cause
    • -never ending cycle of suffering
    • -results from ignorance of the true nature of reality
  21. Karma
    is the idea that every action has consequences that have an impact on one's status in future cycles of existence
  22. Code
    what is it, how can it be attained
    • -liberation from the cycle (samsara)
    • -can be attained if one can apprehend the true nature of brahman / atman
  23. Ceremony
    purpose of hindu rituals
    to maintain the flow of energy between humans and the divine
  24. Ceremony

    central ceremony
    • Puja
    • -daily worship of God in the form of an image of a deity
    • -the divine is present in the image
    • -by concentrating on image -- experience darshana
  25. Ceremony

    "seeing" of God / goddess that unites the person with the divine

    oneness with divine and humanity is central to hinduism
  26. how do hindus view the natural world
    • as Gods body
    • thus we have to treat the world with reverence and love
    • it is sacred
  27. what is the one divine reality and how many god/ goddesses do they recognize
    tat ekam - one divine reality

    330 million gods / goddesses
  28. famous hindu
    Mahatma Gandhi
  29. view on violence
    to do viiolence to another human being is to do violence to oneself, ultimately to God
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