- 120-160 bpm
- During sleep as low as 80-100 bpm; if crying, up to 180 bpm
- Apical pulse counted for 1 min.
- 30-60 resp/min
- Predominantly diaphragmatic but synchronous with abdominal movements
- Respirations counted for 1 full min
Blood Pressure
- 70-50/45-30 mmHg at birth
- 90/50 mmHg at day 10
- Normal Range: 36.5-37.5 C (97.7-99.4 F)
- Axillary: 36.4-37.2 C (97.5-99 F)
- Skin: 36-36.5 C (96.8-97.7 F)
- Rectal: 36.6-37.2 C (97.8-99 F)