Bio Aging Midterm Discussion papers and Aging patterns.txt

  1. discussion papers:
  2. Istvan Szabo
    First to determine the Type III aging pattern, doing research on oak trees (theorized from Raymond Pearl)
  3. Alex Comfort
    Dog breeding studies: showed that lifespan increases in dog breeds with larger brain:body ratio
  4. Rajindal Sohal
    Showed that increase in metabolic activity, along with an increase in temperature causes increase in mortality rates in houseflies
  5. Weindruch & Walford
    • showed that reduced calorie diet in mice showed:
    • 1. Increase in % survival
    • 2. Decrease in body mass
    • 3. decrease in TUMOR mortality
  6. James Carey et. al
    • Carried out LARGEST study with MedFlys: showing NOT exhibiting Gompertz pattern.
    • Flies had higher survival rates as age INCREASED
  7. Muggleton & Danielli
    discovered that immortal amoebas could be transformed to 'spanned' amoebas with NUTRIENT DEPRIVATION, even briefly
  8. Thomas and Dennis Nyberg
    • Showed Vitamin E supplementation for paramecium cells increases lifespan
    • Data showed a Type I Gompertzian slope curve
  9. Hamilton and Mestler
    • Showed castrated males vs intact had more higher life expectancy.
    • Also showed mentally retarded males exhibited hyperbolic pattern of age-related mortality increase
  10. Hyperbolic pattern
    Type I:
  11. Kapitanov and Aksenov
  12. Westendorp and Kirkwood
    • Looked at British aristocracy, showed that women age of first child birth and # of children correlate with longevity of females
    • Longer you wait until first child, and if only have 1 child: show longest longevity
  13. Massie, et al. (p601)
    • Using Drosophila melanogaster, show the increase in Vitamin A consumption is correlated to increase in longevity
    • Too much Vit A can be detrimental, however, causing a decrease in longevity
  14. Gompertz pattern
    • Type I:
    • Linear curve on a semi-logarithmic mortality plot
    • Concave slope on double log plot
    • delta ln qx is POSITIVE and constant, so doubledelta q is ZERO (inverse Gomp w/type III shows neg delta lnqx)
    • qx= qo (e)a(x)^n
    • Declining life expectancy with age
  15. gene redundancy R
    • Determines how RAPID mortality rate Increases
    • Thomas paper: redundancy may improve cell survivorship by reducing rate of loss of genetic info
  16. damage rate u (mew)
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Bio Aging Midterm Discussion papers and Aging patterns.txt
discussion papers