The Reign of Justinian
- a. Determined to reestablish Roman Empire in entire Mediterranean world and attempted to reconquered west in 533
- b. His army
- i. Under Belisarius was formidable force
- 1. Sailed to North Africa, destroyed Vandals in two battles, occupied Sicily, defeated Ostrogoths in 535
The Reign of Justinian
Criticism and Achievemnts
- a. Criticized for overextending resources and bankrupting empire
- i. Theory: plague actually caused damage
- b. Achieved goals before death
- i. Restored imperial Mediterranean world
- 1. Conquest was fleeting
- 3 years after death: Lombards entered Italy
The REign of Justinian
Roman Law
- a. Justinian codified Roman Law
- i. Eastern Empire was heir to materials connected to development of Roman law
- 1. Laws passed by senate and assemblies, legal commentaries of jurists, decisions of praetors, and edicts of emperors
- 2. To accomplish goal
- a. Authorized Trebonian (jurist) to make systematic compilation of imperial edicts
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The REign of Justinian
Code of Law
- i. Code of Law, the first part of the Corpus Iuris Civilis (Body of Civil Law) in 529
- 1. Four years later, two other parts
- a. Digest: collection of Roman jurist writings
- b. Institutes
- i. Summary of principles of Roman law that could be used as textbook
- c. Fourth part was Novels, a compilation of most important NEW edicts issued during his reign
- 2. His codification became basis of imperial law until end of empire in 1453
- a. Written in Latin and used in west
- Became basis of legal system of all of continental Europe
Intellectual LIfe Under Justinian
- i. Influenced by traditions of Classical civilization
- 1. Tried to preserve ancient Greek work while basing own literature on Classical models
- 2. Literary achievements were historical and religious works
Intellectual Life under Justinian
- Historian
- 1.
Secretary to Belisarius - 2. Wars
- a. First hand account of Justinian’s wars of reconquest in w. Mediterranean and wars against Persians in the east
- b. Modeled after Thucydides
- i. Features vivid descriptions of battle scenes, objectivity, judgment
- 3. Secret History
- a. Mostly scandalous gossip
- b. Scathing attack on Justinian and wife for misdeeds
Theodora Background
- i. Daughter of “keeper of bears”
- ii. Followed mom and became actress and worked as prostitute
- iii. 25, met Justinian
- 1. Emperor Justin changed law to allow aristocratic senator to marry actress
- She became empress when Emperor Justin died
Theodora Impact
- i. Influenced Justinian in both church and state affairs
- 1. 532: two factions of charioteer supporters in Constantinople joined and rioted against emperor and revolted as they turned the city
- 2. Justinian wanted to flee, but Theodora encouraged him to stay and fight, resulting in the death of protesters and an end to the Nika Revolt
a. Building Program
- i. Riots destroyed Constantinople
- ii. Justinian rebuilt and gave appearance that would last almost 1000 years
- iii. Earlier, Theodosius II made defensive wall to protect city
- 1. City dominated by palace complex, a huge arena known as Hippodrome and churches
- iv. Justinian added buildings
- 1. Roads, bridges, walls, public baths, law courts, reservoirs, hospitals, schools, monasteries, churches
- a. 34 churches
- i. Hagia Sophia, the Church of the Holy Wisdom
- 1. Designed by Greek architect
- 2. Center has four huge piers crowned by dome
- 3. 42 windows around base of dome
- a. Light= reminder of God
- 2. Royal palace complex, Hippodrome, and Hagia Sophia were three greatest buildings in Constantinople
- 3. Last was huge amphitheater
- a. Main events: chariot races
- i. 24 in one day
- 4. Political significance within crowds in Hippodrome
- a. Blues and Greens
- i. Loss of race= bloody riots= threat
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
- a. Justinian’s death left Eastern Roman Empire with problems
- i. Too distant territories to protect
- ii. Empty treasury
- iii. Smaller population after plague
- iv. Threats
- b. Heraclius reigned during numerous Persian and Slavic attacks
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
New system and Restoration
- a. New system of defense, the theme, which combined civilian and military offices in the hands of the same person
- i. Civil governor also military leader
- 1. Fostered increased militarization of empire
- b. Restored Mediterranean empire= impossible
- i. Ignored Latin west
- ii. Threats strengthened development
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
Islam and Northern Frontier
- a. Islam
- i. Most serious challenge that unified Arab tribes and created new force
- 1. Took provinces and conquered area of old Persian Empire
- 2. Attempt to besiege Constantinople failed due to Greek fire
- a. Petroleum-based compound with quicklime and sulfur that was equivalent to flame throwers
- b. Problems along northern frontier
- i. Asiatics known as Bulgars defeated eastern Roman forces and possessed Danube Valley
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire in the Eighth Century
8th Century
- a. 8th century: Eastern Roman Empire diminished to eastern Mediterranean state
- i. External challengesà internal repercussions
- 1. Byzantine Empire created
- b. Byzantine Empire in the Eighth Century
- i. Greek State
- 1. Latin not used as Greek became empire’s official language
- ii. Christian state
- 1. Artistic talent in construction of churches, church ceremonies, and church decoration
- 2. Spiritual principles permeated Byzantine art
- 3. Importance of religionà disputes
- 4. Use of religious images, i.e. icons, became dominant and accused of idolatry
- a. Argument: helped illiterates understand religion
- i. Did not stop iconoclasts, opponents of icons
- b. Iconoclasm played role in other religions and reformations
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
Byzantine Empire in the 8th Century
- i. Leo III outlawed icons
- 1. Monks and others resisted
- 2. Popes opposed to iconoclastic edicts, which caused dissent between popes and emperors
- a. Byzantine rulers reversed stand on use of images, but damage already done to unity
- i. Facilitated division between Roman Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
- Byzantine Empire in the 8th Century
- i. Emperor occupied crucial position in Byzantine state
- 1. Chosen by God
- 2. Crowned in sacred ceremonies
- 3. Absolute power and limited in practice only by deposition or assassination
- 4. Exercised control over both church and state
- 5. Emperor, clergy, and civic officials bound together in service of preservation of true faith—Orthodox Christianity
- 6. Spent a lot of energy on war and preparations for war
- a. Lit included instructions on war
- b. Armies well trained with latest weapons
- c. Preferred use of diplomacy rather than fight
Byzantine Empire in the Eighth Century
- i. Influence on western world was significant
- 1. Images of Roman imperial state lived on in Byzantium
- 2. Legal system of west owed much to Justinian
- 3. Byzantine Empire protected west from incursions
I. From Eastern Roman to Byzantine Empire
Life in Constantinople
- a. Life in Constantinople
- i. Largest city in Europe
- ii. Center of an empire and a special Christian city
- iii. City under God and Mary’s protection
- iv. Greatest commercial center
- 1. Chief entrepot for exchange of products between west and east
- 2. Trade enabled prosperity
- a. Carried on by foreign merchants
- b. Silk, spices, jewelry, wheat, furs, flax, honey, etc.
- 3. Imported raw materials used for local industries
- a. State had monopoly on production of silk
- i. Demand made it most lucrative product