Music test

  1. What was Beethovens most popular symphony during the heroic period?
    Symphony no 5
  2. Some important things that happened during Beethoven's heroic period.
    Louisiana Purchase, 1803

    Napoleon declares himself Emperor, 1804
  3. Beethoven was known for these things
    • Played
    • louder than anyone before him

    • lKnown
    • for his legato, singing style
  4. Symphony
    No. 3 “Eroica”
    • lDedication to
    • Napoleon scratched out when he declared himself emperor

    • l“Heroic
    • Symphony: To Celebrate the Memory of a Great Man”
  5. Heroic
    Period (Middle) (1803-1813)
    • lMusic becomes more complex,
    • grand

    l6 of 9 symphonies

    • lAdded orchestral
    • instruments—trombone, contrabassoon, piccolo
  6. Romantic audiences
    • lAround
    • 1840—audiences became silent and focused, almost reverent to the music

    • lMusic became
    • harder to ignore.
  7. Rubato tempo
    lflexible tempo)

    • lItalian for
    • “robbed”

    • lExaggerates the
    • rhythmic flow

    • lGives performers
    • more artistic freedom

    • lSometimes
    • accentuated by dynamic change
  8. lThe Virtuoso
    • lPianists and violinists the
    • most common

    • lWizard-like
    • dexterity

    • lOften more
    • showmanship than musical substance

    lFranz Liszt (1811-1886)

    lNiccolò Paganini (1782-1840)
  9. lDefinition—song for voice
    and piano accompaniment with high artistic aspirations. Poem set to music.
    lThe Art Song
  10. tightly
    structured group of songs that tell one story or treat a single theme
    song cycle
  11. "The Erkling"
    lForm: Through-composed
  12. Clara Wieck Schumann
    • One of the great
    • piano virtuosos of the nineteenth century
  13. Neu Zeitschrift fur Musik
    • New
    • Journal of Music). Championed new
    • romantic composers
  14. lForm: Through-composed
    • lEach stanza set
    • to new music

    • lProjects a
    • series of changing moods

    • lDifferent from strophic
    • form—same
    • music repeated for each strophe, or stanza (Ave Maria)
  15. Program

    lInstrumental music, often orchestral

    lTells a story through music

    lHistorical event, natural wonder, etc.
  16. lOne-movement work for orchestra

    lGives musical expression to emotions and

    lAlso called “tone poem”
    Symphonic poem
  17. lAn introductory movement preceding an opera
    or play

    lSoon performed by themselves
    Dramatic Overture


    • lMendelssohn: Overture to A
    • Midsummer Night’s Dream

    • lRossini: Overture to William
    • Tell
  18. lAn independent, one-movement work

    lIntended for the concert hall

    lDoes not precede an opera or play

    lVirtually indistinguishable from the
    symphonic poem
    Concert Overture
  19. lThe
    first complete program symphony
    lSymphonie fantastique
  20. Unifying
    theme: idée fixe
    • (“fixed
    • idea”)
  21. lFrédéric Chopin

    l“Poet of the piano”

    lA national hero in Poland
  22. lMazurka
    • lA fast,
    • triple-meter Polish dance

    • lStyle can be
    • heroic or sentimental

    • lAccents the
    • second beat
  23. Nocturne
    lnight piece)

    • lA slow, dreamy
    • composition

    • lCame into favor
    • during the 1820s and 1830s

    • lChromaticism creates
    • intensity of mood
  24. lFranz Liszt (1811-1886)

    • lCompositions
    • demand great virtuosity

    • lFlamboyant
    • artistic personality

    lAmazing virtuoso

    • lInfluential
    • composer

    lSex symbol

    • lAudience
    • response was sensational, often hysterical

    • lWomen tried to
    • tear off articles of his clothing

    lKnown as Lisztomania
  25. lLiterally means “beautiful

    lEmphasizes beautiful vocal

    lVery difficult

    provides simple harmonic support
    lItalian Bel Canto Opera
  26. lReputation

    lMost popular
    opera composer throughout Europe

    lHis operas
    performed more than any others
    • Giuseppe
    • Verdi
  27. Giuseppe Verdi: Musical Style
    • lIntense passion
    • and nonstop action

    • lRecitativo
    • accompagnato

    • lOrchestra
    • accompanies the recitative

    • lSmooth
    • transitions between recitative and aria
  28. scena
    • scenic
    • plan made of diverse movements
  29. Reputation

    lInspired extreme reactions

    Exerted enormous influence

    A determined, ruthless visionary

    Wrote his own librettos
    • Richard
    • Wagner
  30. Gesamtkunstwerk
    lTotal art work)

    lCreates a more realistic drama

    lSeamless flow of music

    lEliminates tuneful arias

    lHeightens importance of orchestra
  31. lA theme which represents a character,
    object, or idea

    lUsually played by the orchestra

    lSuggests the character’s subconscious

    lMultiple leitmotifs can appear
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Music test
Music test