a form of energy that results from the interacton of charged particles, such as electrons or protons
- a device for detecting the presence of an electric charge
- e.g. metal leaf electroscope
Charging by friction
- a process in which objects made from different materials rub against each other, producing a net static charge on each object
- e.g. clothes in the dryer
- a material in which electrons can move easily between atoms
- e.g. metal
Lightning Rod
A metal phere or point that is attached to the highest part of a building and connected to ground
Radiation dosimeter
A small device that detects and measures exposure to radiation
Electrostatic precipitator
A type of cleaner that removed unwanted particles and liquid droplets from a flow of gas
- A material in which electrons can move fairly well between atmos
- e.g. silicon
Electric field
A property of space around a charged object, where the effect of its charge can be felt by other objects
A positively or negatively charges atom or group of atoms
Electrostatic series
- A list of materials that have been arranged according to their ability to hold onto electrons
- (p.405 for table)
Induced charge separation
the movement of electrons in a asubstance caused by the electric field of a nearby charged object that is not in direct contact with the substance
Charging by contact
Generating a net charge on a neutral object by touching it with a charged object
An object that can supply a very large number of electrons to, or can remove a very large number of electrons from, a charged object, thus neutralizing that object
Static charge (static electricity)
An electric charge that tends to stay on the surface of an object, rather than flowing away quickly
A material in which electrons cannto move easily from one atom to another
Van de Graaff generator
A device that accumulates very large charges
Laws of electric charges
Laws that describe how two objects interact electrically when one or both are charged
- 1. Like charges repel
- 2.Opposite charges attract
- 3.Charged and neutral objects attract each other