Fundamentals Unit 2

  1. Job Satisfaction
    • self-care
    • empatheitic care
    • burnout
    • care of supplies and equipment
    • participationj in professional activities
  2. Based on lessons of right and wrong.
  3. Behaviors within the accepted principles of right and wrong.
  4. Radiologic tecnhologist are governed by________ established by ________.
    • The Standards of Ethics Document
    • ASRT and ARRT
  5. What does the Code of Ethics serve as?
    A guide for professional conduct evaluation.
  6. Who was the Code of Ethics developed by and why?
    • ASRT
    • to foster a high level of ethical conduct for radiologic techs.
  7. Who enforces Rules of Ethics contained within the Standards?
  8. What is the Rules of Ethics?
    Manditory specific standards of minimally acceptable professional conduct.
  9. What is ethical analysis?
    A method of evaluating situations in which the correct action is in question...
  10. What are the basic steps of ethical analysis?
    • Identify the problem
    • Develop alternate solutions
    • Select the best solution
    • Defend your selection
  11. List the ethical theories.
    • Nonconsequentialism
    • Consequentialism
    • Social Contract Theory
    • Ethics of Care(situational ethics)
    • Virtue-based ethics
    • Rights-based ethics
    • Principle-based ethics(principlism)
  12. Ethical theory in which speeding is bad because it is against the law and because it places you and others at risk.
  13. Ethical theory that believes that an action is right if the outcome is good.
  14. Holds that certain persons or groups have relationships that contain inherent expectations, duties, and obligations.
    Social Contract Theory
  15. Right actions for one patient in one situation may be wrong for other patients or other circumstances.
    Ethics of Care(situational ethics)
  16. This ethical theory places value on virtues-admirable character traits such as caring, faithfulness, trustworthiness, compassion, and courage.
    Virtue-based ethics
  17. Emphasizes the righs of individuals in a democratic society to be shielded from undue restriction or harm. The rights of some individuals place duties on others.
    Rights-based ethics
  18. Widely accepted standard for selecting and defining solutions to ethical dilemmas in healthcare communities
    Principle-based ethics (principlism)
  19. What are the 6 ethical principles(principlism)
    • beneficence
    • nonmaleficence
    • veracity
    • fidelity
    • justice
    • automomy
  20. Goodness; actions that bring about good are considered right.
  21. No evil; an obligation not to inflict harm.
  22. Truth; an obligation to tell the truth
  23. Faithfulness; an obligation to be loyal or faithful
  24. Fairness; an obligation to act with equity
  25. Self-determination; respecting the independence of others and acting with self-reliance
  26. Patients are protected by the Patient's Rights statement, now called___________.
    The Patient Care Partnership
  27. Who was the Patient Care Partnership/Patient's Rights Statement established by and what does it do?
    • Americal Hospital Association
    • Details distinct expectations of the patient as a client of a health care facility.
  28. What must occur for a consent to be valid?
    • The pt must be of legal age and mentally competent
    • The pt must offer consent voluntarily
    • The pt must be adequately informed about the medical care being recommended
  29. What are the 3 types of consent?
    • Oral
    • Written or Informed
    • Implied
  30. Informed consent is required when a pt is subjected to what?
    Any type of invasive or experimental procedure
  31. Two exceptions in which informed consent need not be obtained prior to an invasive procedure:
    • Emergency situations
    • Therapeutic privilege
  32. Occurs if the pt is unconsious or otherwise unable to give consent, and harm from failure to treat is imminent
    Emergency situations
  33. Applies only if risk disclosure poses such a threat to the patient that it will lead to further harm.
    Therapeutic Privilege
  34. What corresponds with Death and Diginity?
    • DNR/DNI
    • Advance Directives
    • Power of Attorney for Healthcare
  35. An outline of specific wishes about medical care to be followed in the event that an individual loses the ability to make or communicate decisions.
    Advance Directives
  36. Enables a trusted person to act on the pts behalf if and when the pt is unable to communicate his/her wishes.
    Power of Attorney for Healthcare
  37. A felony or misdemeanor follows under which law?
    Criminal Law
  38. Deals with offenses against the state or against society at large.
    Criminal Law
  39. Deals with the rights and duties of individuals with respect to one another.
    Civil Law
  40. A tort belongs under what law?
    Civil Law
  41. A civil wrong committed by one individual against the person or property of another.
  42. What kinds of intentional torts are there?
    • Assault
    • Battery
    • False Imprisonment
    • Invasion of Privacy
    • Defamation of Character(libel and slander)
  43. A threat of intended injury
  44. Touching another without permission
  45. Confinement without authorization
    False Imprisionment
  46. Improper release of medical information, including x-rays or exposure of the pt.
    Invasion of Privacy
  47. What is talking about a patient? It can be either verbal or written?
    Defamation of character(libel-written)(slander-spoken)
  48. What is the legal criteria for the use of restraints?
    • To protect the pt, healthcare worker, and/or the property of others.
    • Must be the lease intrusive method possible.
    • There must be regular reassesment of the need of restraint.
    • Must be discontinued as soon as practicable.
  49. What does neligence refer to?
    Unintentional torts or unintentional injury
  50. What are the types of unintentional torts(negligence)?
    • Gross Negligence
    • Contributory Negligence
    • Corporate Negligence
  51. "Reckless disregard for life of limb"
    Gross Negligence
  52. The injured party somehow contributed to the injury
    Contributory Negligence
  53. The hospital as an entity is negligent
    Corporate Negligence
  54. List the 4 conditions of malpractice
    • The defendant had a duty to provide resonable care to the pt.
    • The pt sustained some loss or injury
    • The defendant is the party responsible for the injury
    • The loss is altributable to negligence or improper care.
  55. The act (or thing) that speaks for itself
    Res Ipsa Loquitur
  56. "Let the master answer"
    Respondeat Superior
  57. The libility of one person or agency for the actions of another
    Vicarious Liability
  58. Hospital employees are "borrowed" for a purpose-holds the physician rather than the hospital responsible
    Doctrine of Borrowed Servant
  59. Each person is liable for his/her own negligent conduct
    Rule of Personal Responsibility
  60. What are the responsibilites for record keeping?
    • Billing
    • Ordering of Supplies
    • Insurance Verification
  61. What should you do when recording on computers?
    Prevent unauthorized access to e-charts and confidential pt information
  62. How should you maintain/use paper charts?
    • Draw a single line through an entry to delete it
    • Always initial and date corrections
    • Never leave blanks on forms
    • Never insert loose or gummed slips of paper
    • Include all four digits of the year(date of birth)
    • Date and sign all entries that you make, include department and your title
    • Always use military time
  63. What is RIMS?
    Radiology Information Management System
  64. What does RIMS allow the tech to do?
    Allows access to pertinent and limited information concerning a pt. (allergies, lab values, pt location, and previous imaging procedures and accompanying reports)(allows for ordering and billing of imaging examinations)
  65. What is the order for a diagnosic procedure?
    Paper requisition
  66. What is included on paper requisitions?
    • Pt data
    • Brief medical history
    • Specific Instructions
  67. Requisitions(orders) and radiologists' reports are scanned into what system with the correlating images?
  68. What does PACS stand for?
    • Picture Archiving and Communications System
    • (all stations are connected by PACS so assessable all over the hospital or to connected clinics)
  69. Who does diagnostic images belong to?
    • the pts medicolegal record
    • the institution in which they are made
  70. List the 7 C's of Malpractice
    • Competence
    • Compliance
    • Charting
    • Communication
    • Confidentiality
    • Courtesy
    • Carefulness
  71. Knowing and adhering to professional stanandards. reduce liability exposure.(know the job duties and be comfortable with the duty)
  72. Knowing policies and procedures in the medical office and hospital avoids pr injuries and litigation.
  73. The neglect of omission of reasonable care or caution
  74. Tampering with medical charts
  75. The one reasonable for implementing the ethical decision.
    Moral agent
Card Set
Fundamentals Unit 2
Professional Roles and Behaviors