Final 3

  1. Image Upload 2
    • Monument title: Pyramid of the Niches
    • Period: Classic
    • Date: 800
    • Medium: Flagstone
    • 1. It was built in two phases
    • 2. It is 7 stories tall
    • 3. It has 365 niches which are representative of the calendar, and are about 2 ft deep
  2. Image Upload 4
    • Title: Close up of beheading on S Ball Court Panel @ El Tajin
    • Period: Classic
    • Date: 600-1200
    • Civilization: Veracruz
    • Medium: Limestone
    • 1. Carved in situ (on site, original place)
    • 2. Depicts ball game players elaborately dressed wearing yolks being sacrificed
    • 3. Low relief and strictly profile view
  3. Image Upload 6
    • Title: Tikal Temple 1
    • Date: 740-750 AD
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Height: 154 ft high
    • 1. Unique because you don't see the roof comb anywhere else
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    • Title: Tikal Temple 2
    • Date: 700 AD
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Height: 124 ft high
    • 1. Corbel vaulting
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    • Title: Palenque
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Date: 600
    • Civilization: Maya
    • 1. Organized around the Usumacinta river
    • 2. Ruins date back to 100 BC to its fall around 800 AD
    • 3. Only 10% of the site in excavated
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    • Title: Temple of the Inscriptions
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Date: 675
    • Civilization: Maya
    • Material: stone
    • 1. Made up of 9 levels which is associated with the underworld
    • 2. Discovered by Alberto Ruz
    • 3. unique among all Mesoamerican pyramids having been built before the ruler's death
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    • Title: Lid from Temple of Inscriptions
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Date: 683
    • Civilization: Maya
    • Medium: stone
    • 1. Covered the entrance into the tomb
    • 2. Served as an air conditioning vent to let cool air flow into temple
    • 3. Seen as a doorway to life and life was a doorway to
    • death
  8. Image Upload 16
    • Title: Heiroglyphic staircase (copan)
    • Period: Late Classic
    • Date: 710-755 AD
    • Civilizations: Maya
    • Medium:
    • 1. 5 statues sitting on steps that ascend from older to younger
    • 2. There are 2200 heiroglyphs and 62 steps
    • 3. It was very decorated
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Final 3