Nervous system.txt

  1. Homeostasis
    Concept that implies a state of "normalcy" in the body; it is reached when things are operating within normal biological limits.
  2. Sensory receptors sense changes in
    • External environment
    • Internal environment
  3. CNS
    • Central Nervous System
    • Brain and spinal cord
    • Does not include cranial and spinal nerves
  4. Integration function
    Brain and spinal cord (CNS) involved in analysis of sensory information and problem solving
  5. Response (motor) function
    The CNS "decides" how to respond and does so through muscle contraction and glandular secretion
  6. Peripheral nervous system - PNS
    • Voluntary
    • 12 pairs cranial nerves; 31 pairs spinal nerves
    • Somatic nervous system (SNS)
    • Autonomic nervous system (ANS)
  7. SNS - Somatic (afferent) neurons
    carry impulses from receptors to CNS
  8. SNS Motor (efferent) neurons
    carry impulses from CNS to effectors skeletal muscle only
  9. Autonomic nervous system - ANS
  10. ANS Sensory (afferent) neurons
    carry impulses from visceral receptors to CNS
  11. ANS Motor (efferent) neurons
    carry impulses from CNS to visceral effectors - smooth muscle, cardiac muscle and glands
  12. Functional Classification: Sensory (afferent) division
    has both CNS and PNS components
  13. Somatic sensory
    Transmits impulses from skin fascia, joints and skeletal muscle to CNS
  14. Visceral sensory
    Transmits impulses from visceral structures to CNS
  15. Functional classification: Motor (efferent) division
    Has both CNS and PNS components
  16. Somatic Motor - SNS
    Voluntary control of skeletal muscles
  17. Autonomic motor - ANA
    Involuntary control of visceral effectors
  18. Cell body (soma)
    Nucleus and surrounding cytoplasm of a neuron (excluding it's dendrites and axon)
  19. Nucleus
    Contained in the cytoplasm
  20. nucleolus
    contained in the nucleus
  21. Nerve Fibers
    Any extension or process from cell body
  22. Axons
    Neuron process that conducts nerve impulses away from the cell body "output"
  23. Dendrites
    • Neuron processes that conduct information to the cell body "input"
    • Form receptors at ends of sensory neurons
  24. Lipofuscin
    Clumps of yellow pigment; increases with age; may be produced by lysosomes
  25. Chromatophilic substances (nissl bodies)
    Consist of both free and attached (bound) ribosomes; make proteins for repair and neurotransmitters
  26. Axon hillock
    Origin of axon
  27. Neurotubules
    Microtubules that form the cytoskeleton
  28. Neurofilaments
    Intermediate filament aggregates that form neurofibrils
  29. Neurofibrils
    Form networks; support axons and dendrites
  30. Axoplasm
    Cytoplasm of axon; has mitocondria; no nissl bodies
  31. Axolemma
    Plasma membrane of axon
  32. Axon collaterals
    Side brances of axon
  33. Axon Terminals (telodendria)
    First end branches of axons
  34. Synaptic boutons (bulbs, feet, plates, or knobs)
    Supply several to 100,000 muscle fiber
  35. Synaptic vesicles
    contain neurotransmitters
  36. Neurotransmitters
    about 40 - 50 plus known
Card Set
Nervous system.txt
Dr. Mikelson Nervous system test