Practical Needling I Final Review

  1. What is the insertion angle and depth for PC-6?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
    • *median nerve lies under this point, manipulations may damage the nerve
  2. What is the insertion angle and depth for HT-7?
    • Perpendicular 0.3-0.5 cun
    • *ulnar artery and nerve lies adjacent to this point
  3. What is the insertion angle and depth for LU-9?
    Perpendicular .03-.05 cun
  4. What is the insertion angle and depth for SI-3?
    Perpendicular 0.5-2 cun
  5. What is the insertion angle and depth for Ba Xie?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
  6. What is the insertion angle and depth for Yao Tong Xue?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
  7. What is the insertion angle and depth for SP-4?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
    • *SP-4 is approx. 1 cun from SP-3
  8. What is the insertion angle and depth for SP-9?
    Perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
  9. This point is found 3.5 cun lateral to CV-2, on the lateral side of the femoral artery.
    Deep needling in a medial direction may puncture femoral artery; lateral direction may puncture femoral nerve.
  10. This point is found on the lower abdomen, 0.7 cun superior and 0.5 cun lateral to SP-12, 4 cun lateral to the midline.  This point is also defined as lying 4.3 cun inferior to SP-15.
    Deep needling of thin patients may penetrate peritoneal cavity.
  11. What is the insertion angle and depth for LR-3?
    In the direction of KI-1, 0.5-1.5 cun
  12. What is the insertion angle and depth for LR-7?
    Perpendicular 1-2 cun
  13. What is the insertion angle and depth for LR-8?
    Perpendicular / slightly posterior 1-1.5 cun
  14. What is the insertion angle and depth for GB-39?
    Perpendicular 1-1.5 cun
  15. What is the insertion angle and depth for GB-41?
    Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
  16. What is the insertion angle and depth for Ba Feng?
    Oblique directed proximally 0.5-1 cun
  17. What is the insertion angle and depth for CV-22?
    • Needle first perpendicular 0.2-0.3 cun, then direct the needle inferiorly along the posterior border of the manubrium of the sternum 0.5-1 cun
    • *the inexperienced should be supervised on this needling method
  18. What is the insertion angle and depth for CV-17?
    Start obliquely first, Transverse directed superiorly / inferiorly 0.5-1 cun
  19. What is the insertion angle and depth for LU-1?
    • Transverse-oblique 0.5-1 cun medially along the intercostal space
    • *deep perpendicular / oblique insertion carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax
  20. What is the insertion angle and depth for LU-2?
    • Transverse-oblique 0.5-1 cun
    • *deep perpendicular / oblique insertion carries a substantial risk of causing a pneumothorax
  21. What is the insertion angle and depth for CV-3?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
    • *deep insertion will penetrate a full bladder which should therefore be emptied before treatment
  22. What is the insertion angle and depth for CV-4?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun / oblique directed inferiorly 1-1.5 cun
    • *deep insertion will penetrate a full bladder which should therefore be emptied before treatment
  23. What is the insertion angle and depth for Zi Gong?
    Perpendicular 0.8-1.2 cun
  24. This point is on the lower abdomen, 2 cun lateral to the midline, level with the superior border of the pubic symphysis.
    Deep insertion in a superior direction on thin patients may penetrate peritoneal cavity or a full bladder.
    Deep insertion in an inferior direction in the male may penetrate the spermatic cord.
  25. What is the insertion angle and depth for Si Shen Cong?
    Transverse 0.5-1.5 cun
  26. What is the insertion angle and depth for GB-20?
    • Slightly oblique (close to parallel to each otherh) 1-1.5 cun
    • *deeper needling may damage the spinal cord
  27. What is the insertion angle and depth for SJ-17?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
    • *too anterior / posterior may cause discomfort on opening / closing of mouth for some time after treatment
  28. Classical texts state this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.
    Care should be taken to avoid puncturing the carotid artery which must be palpated and then held laterally during needling, by using the index finger and thumb of on hand, above and below the point.  This needling method should not be attempted by those who have not had appropriate clinical supervision.
  29. According to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.
    Spinal canal lies between 1.5 and 2 cun deep to the skin surface, varying according to body build.  Deep perpendicular insertion is therefore strictly contraindicated, as is superior oblique insertion towards the brain.
  30. Patient closes eye and to direct the eye as far as possible towards the side being needled.  With forefinger of one hand, gently push the eyeball to the lateral side and hold it firmly.  Insert needle slowly perpendicularly with the other hand, without lift, thrusting or rotating to a depth 0.5-1 cun.  Immediately on withdrawal of needle, press firmly with a cotton wool ball for about a minute to prevent hematoma.
    According to several classical and modern texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.
  31. Ask patient to close eye and look upward.  Use finger to push the eyeball upwards and insert the needle, first slightly inferiorly, then perpendicularly, between eyeball and the inferior wall of orbit, 0.5 to 1 cun.
    According to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.
    Needle should be inserted slowly without lifing, thrusting or rotating.  Immediately after withdrawal of the needle, press firmly with a cotton wool ball for about a minute to prevent hematoma.
  32. What is the insertion angle and depth for SI-19?
    • Perpendicular 0.5-1 cun
    • *needle with mouth open; following insertion of the needle patient may close their mouth
  33. What is the insertion angle and depth for Bi Tong (M-HN-14)?
    Transverse toward bridge of nose 0.3 to 0.5 cun
  34. What is the insertion angle and depth for Tai Yang?
    Perpendicular 0.5-0.8 cun / Transverse posteriorly towards GB-8; 1.1.5 cun / Oblique anteriorly 0.3-0.5 cun
  35. Most point learned so far are needled perpendicularly, which ones are not?  What is the angle of insertion?
    • LR-3: Towards KI-1
    • Ba Feng: Obliquely
    • CV-17: Transverse
    • LU-1: Transverse-Oblique
    • LU-2: Transverse-Oblique
    • Si Shen Cong: Tranverse
    • GB-20: slightly oblique
    • Bi Tong: Transverse
Card Set
Practical Needling I Final Review
Practical Needling