fun unit #3 test

  1. define/describe: exogeous infection
    arises from microorganisms outside the patient
  2. define/describe: inflammation
    cellular response to injury or infection
  3. define/describe: suprainfection
    microorganisms that cause another infection because they are resistant to antibiotics
  4. define/describe: health care-associated infection
    infection that developed that was not present at the time of patient admission
  5. define/describe: aseptisc technique
    methods to reduce or eliminate disease-producing microorganisms
  6. define/describe: Flora
    microorganisms that do not cause disease but help to maintain health
  7. define/describe: sterilization
    process that eliminates all forms of microbial life
  8. define/describe: pathogen
    disease-producing micororganism
  9. define/describe: exudate
    substance formed throughthe inflammatory process that may ooze from openings in the skin or mucous membranes
  10. define/describe: colonization
    microorganisms that grow but does not cause disease
  11. define/describe: virulence
    ability of microorganisms to produce disease
  12. define/describe: susceptibility
    being more than normally vulnerable to a disease
  13. define/describe: endogenous infection
    alteration of a patient's flora with a resulting overgrowth
  14.  at the community health fair, a nurse is asked by oneof the residents about the influenza vaccine isrecommended for individuals who are:
    a. health care workers
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fun unit #3 test
fun unit #3 test