Nursing Level I

  1. Medication
    substance administered for the diagnosis, cure, treatment, or relief of a symptom or for prevention of disease
  2. Prescription
    written direction for the preparation and administration of a drug
  3. Pharmacology
    study of the effect of drugs on living organisms
  4. Generic name
    assigned by United States Adopted Names Council and is used throughout the drug's lifetime
  5. Trade name
    name given by drug manufacturer and identifies it as property of that company
  6. Pharmacopoeia
    book containing a list of products used in medicine, with descriptions of the product, chemical tests for determining identity and purity, and formulas and prescriptions
  7. Therapeutic effect
    desired effect, reason drug is prescribed
  8. Side effect
    secondary effect, of a drug is one that is unintended, usually predictable, may be either harmless or potentially harmful
  9. Drug toxicity
    deleterious effects of a drug on an organism or tissue resulting from overdosage, ingestion of a drug intended for external use, or buildup of the drug in the blood because of impaired metabolism or excretion (cumulative effect)
  10. Drug allergy
    immunologic reaction to a drug
  11. Anaphylactic reaction
    severe allergic reaction usually occurs immediately after the administration of the drug
  12. Drug tolerance
    exists in a person who has unusually low physiological response to a drug and who requires increases in the dosage to maintain a given therapeutic effect
  13. Drug interaction
    occurs when administration of one drug, before, at the same time, or after another drug alters the effects of one or both drugs
  14. Synergistic effect
    occurs when two different drugs increase the action of one or another drug
  15. Latrogenic disease
    disease caused unintentionally by medical therapy ie due to drug therapy
  16. Pharmacodynamics
    mechanism of drug action and relationships between drug concentration and the body's responses
  17. Antagonist
    drug that inhibits cell function by occupying receptor sites
  18. Pharmacokinetics
    study of absorption, distribution, biotransformation, and excretion of drugs
  19. Biotransformation
    detoxification or metabolism, is a process by which a drug is converted to a less active form
  20. Metabolites
    products of process where liver's drug-metabolizing enzymes detoxify the drugs
  21. Pharmacogenetics
    client's response to a drug is influenced by genetic variations such as gender, size, and body composition
  22. Ethnopharmacology
    study of the effect of racial and ethnic differences/responses to prescribed medication
  23. Routes of Administration
    • Oral/sublingual/buccal
    • Vaginal
    • Topical/transdermal
    • Subcutaneous
    • Intramuscular
    • Intradermal
    • Intravenous
    • Inhalation
  24. Parenteral route
    • subcutaneous
    • intramuscular
    • intradermal
    • intravenous
  25. Topical
    • dermatologic preparation
    • instillations/irrigations
    • inhalations
  26. Essential Parts of Med Order
    • Full name of client
    • Date/time order is written
    • name of drug to be administered
    • Dosage of the drug
    • Frequency of Administration
    • Route of Administration
    • Signature of the person writing the order
Card Set
Nursing Level I
Terminology WWCC