1. Abdomincal thrusts
  2. Abduction
  3. Abuse
  4. accidents
  5. Activity
  6. Acute
  7. Adduction
  8. ADL's
  9. admitting residents
  10. affected side
  11. aging process
  12. AIDS (HIV)
  13. alzheimer's
  14. Ambulate with assistance
  15. ambulation
  16. ambulatory resident
  17. Amputees
  18. anemia
  19. anger
  20. angin pectoris
  21. antiembolic stockings
  22. anxitey
  23. aphasia
  24. apical
  25. apropriate response
  26. arteries
  27. Arthrities
  28. aseptic
  29. aspiraton
  30. assistive device
  31. atrophy
  32. autism
  33. avoiding falls
  34. axillary temperature
  35. back starin
  36. bacteria
  37. bargaining
  38. basic human needs
  39. basic skin care
  40. bathing 
  41. bed bath
  42. bed cradle
  43. bed height
  44. bed position
  45. bed pan
  46. Bedrest
  47. BID
  48. Biohazard bag 
  49. Bladder training
  50. bleeding 
  51. blindness
  52. Blood pressure
  53. body alignment
  54. body fluids
  55. Body language
  56. Body mechanics
  57. Bowel and bladder programs
  58. bowel movements
  59. Breathing
  60. Burnout
  61. ccall light
  62. cancer 
  63. cardiovacular system
  64. care plan 
  65. cast 
  66. cataracts 
  67. catheter drainage bag 
  68. Central nervous systtem
  69. Cerebral vascular accident
  70. chemical disinfectants
  71. chemotherapy
  72. chest pian
  73. choking
  74. chronic
  75. circulatory system
  76. clarification
  77. cleaning spills
  78. clear liquid diet
  79. cold compress
  80. colostomy
  81. comfort care
  82. communication
  83. communicable
  84. Confidential information
  85. Confidentiality
  86. confused resident
  87. congestiv heart failure
  88. constipation
  89. constict 
  90. contamination
  91. contracture
  92. converting measures
  93. COPD
  94. Coughing excessively 
  95. CVA
  96. Cyanosis
  97. cyanotic
  98. decubitus ulcer
  99. dehydration
  100. delusion
  101. demanding resident
  102. dementia
  103. denial
  104. dentures
  105. depression
  106. diabetess
  107. diabetes mellitus
  108. dialysis
  109. diarrhea
  110. diarrhea
  111. diastolic
  112. diet
  113. discharging resident
  114. disinfectants
  115. disinfection
  116. disoriented resident
  117. disposing of contaminatd materials
  118. disrepectful treatment
  119. dizziness
  120. DNR
  121. Documentation
  122. dressing resident
  123. droplet secretions
  124. dry skin
  125. dying process
  126. dysphagia
  127. dyspnea
  128. Dysuria
  129. edema
  130. elatic stockings
  131. elimination of wastes
  132. emotional labiality
  133. emotional needs
  134. empathetic 
  135. empathy
  136. emphysema
  137. endocrine system
  138. Ethical code
  139. ehtical issues
  140. extremity
  141. eye glasses
  142. falls
  143. fecal impalction
  144. feeding resident
  145. feeding tube 
  146. fire safety procedures
  147. flexed 
  148. flexion
  149.  foley catheter
  150. foot board
  151. foot care
  152. foot drop
  153. fowler's position
  154. Fractures
  155. gait belt
  156. gastrostomy tube
  157. geriatrics
  158. gerontology
  159. grieving process
  160. hair care
  161. hallucination
  162. hand tremors
  163. hand-washing
  164. hazardous substances
  165. health-care team
  166. health care relatedinfection
  167. hearing aid
  168. hearing impaired
  169. heart attack
  170. heart muscle
  171. Heimlich maneuver
  172. hemiplegia
  173. hemiplegia
  174. hepatitis B 
  175. hereditary
  176. hip prosthesis
  177. HIPAA
  178. Huntington's disease
  179. hypertension
  180. hyperventilation
  181. hypoglycemia
  182. immobility
  183. incident report
  184. Incontinevce
  185. indwelling catheter
  186. infection
  187.  in-house transfer
  188. initial observations
  189. input and output a
  190. intake and output
  191. integumenary system
  192. interpersonal skills
  193. isolation
  194. job description
  195. lift/draw sheet
  196. Linen
  197. liquid diet
  198. low sodium diet
  199. making occupied bed 
  200. maslow
  201. measuring height
  202. mechanical soft diet
  203. medical record
  204. Medications
  205. memor loss 
  206. mentally impaired
  207. microorganisms
  208. military time
  209. minerals
  210. morning care
  211. mouth care
  212. moving a resident
  213. mucous membrane
  214. multiple sclerosis
  215. musculoskeletal system
  216. myocardial infarction
  217. nail care 
  218. nasal cannula
  219. neglect non-contagious disease
  220. noverbal communicaiton
  221. nosocomial 
  222. NPO
    nothing by mouth
  223. Nursing assistant behavior
  224. nursing assistants's role
  225. Objective observation ombudsman
  226. oral care
  227. oral hygiene
  228. oral temperature
  229. orientaion
  230. oriented
  231. osteoarthritis
  232. osteoporosis
  233. over the bed table
  234. oxygen
  235. pain
  236. paralysis
  237. paraphrasing
  238. parenteral nurition
  239. parkinson's disease
  240. partial assistance
  241. passive pathogens
  242. patience
  243. Perineal care
  244. peripheral vascular disease
  245. peristalsis
  246. personal care
  247. personal possession
  248. personal protective equipment
  249. phantom pian
  250. physical needs
  251. physician's authority
  252. pill-rolling
  253.  plaque
  254. plate rim
  255. positing resident
  256. post mortem care
  257. pressure sore
  258. pressure ulcer
  259. prevening falls
  260. privacy
  261.  PRN
  262. Progressive 
  263. prone
  264. prosthesis
  265. protective equipment
  266. providing privacy
  267. psychological needs
  268. pulmonary disease
  269. pulse
  270. qudriplegia
  271. RACE
  272. Radial
  273. ramps
  274. range of motion
  275. rectal temperature
  276. rehabilitation
  277. reminiscing
  278.  reporting abnormal changes
  279. reporing observations
  280. reposition residnets
  281. resident indeependence
  282. resident rights
  283. residen unit
  284. residnets 
  285. residents BIll of Rights
  286. Residents chart
  287. residents environment
  288. residents families
  289. Respectufl treatment
  290. respirations
  291. respiatory condition
  292. responing to resident behavior
  293. restorivite care
  294. restrained residen
  295. restraints
  296. resuscitation
  297. righ to refuse care
  298. safety and security nees
  299. scale 
  300. security
  301. seizure
  302. self-actualizaiotn
  303. Self esteem
  304. sensory system
  305. sexual needs 
  306. sharps container
  307. shaving 
  308. Shearing of skin
  309.  side rails
  310. simple fracture
  311. skin breakdown
  312. sleep smokin s
  313. social needs
  314.  social well being
  315. Soiled linen
  316. specimen
  317. spiritual needs
  318. sputum test
  319. standard precautions
  320. standardd/universal precautions
  321. sterilization
  322. stool specimen
  323. stress
  324. stroke
  325.  storn side
  326. subjective
  327. sun downing
  328. supine
  329. supplemental feeedings
  330. swelling
  331. systolic
  332. tachycardia
  333. ted hose
  334. Tendons
  335. Terminal illness
  336. TIA
  337. Tips
  338. trahea
  339. tracheostomy
  340. tansferring 
  341. transporting food
  342. treating resident with respect 
  343. tub bath
  344. Tube feeding
  345. Tubercuosis
  346. twice dialy
  347. Tympanic temperatures
  348. unaffected side
  349. unconscious residnet
  350. uniform
  351. unsteady
  352. urethral
  353. urinary catheter bag
  354. urninary system
  355. urination
  356. urine
  357. urine filter
  358. varicose veins
  359. ventilation
  360. visually impairedd
  361. vital signs
  362.  vitamins
  363. vomiting
  364. walker
  365. wandering residen
  366.  warm and cold application
  367. water faucets
  368. water temperature
  369. weak sidde
  370. Weighing resident
  371. wheel chare sfety
  372. White blood cells
Card Set