
  1. Psyche
    totality of being
  2. Ology
    the study of
  3. 1870's
    pshchology was considered to be the study of behavior
  4. 1890's
    Freud-Changed to the study of behavior and mental processes
  5. Behavior
    • anything an organism does
    • Ex: talks, walking back and forth
  6. Mental processes
    • Internal subjective experience
    • Ex: sensation, perceptions, dreams, thoughts, beliefs, & feelings
  7. Reasons to study Psychology
    • 1. Get a better understanding of the other-think, feel, & act
    • 2. Get a better understanding of ouselves-think, feel & act
  8. Personality
    • how we think, feel, and act
    • If I understand me I can better understand you and vice versa
  9. 387 BC Plato
    belkieved in innate ideas, suggests that the brain is the seat of mental process
  10. 1859 Charles Darwin
    oublished the "On the orgin of species by means of natural selection" Survival of the fittest
  11. 1879 Wilhelm Wundt-
    1st physchological labratory in Germany. If you wanted to be somebody in psychology you had to go there
  12. 1898 Thorndike
    USA -1st Usian because he came from the United States
  13. 1894-Margaret Floy Washburn
    1st woman to recieve PHD in Psychology from Cornell University
  14. 1890-William James
    prolific writer. Wrote textbooks
  15. 1900-Sigmund Freud
    father of modern psychology. Wrote "Interpretation of Dreams" an analysis of himself
  16. 1905-Ivan Petrovich Pavlov
    Associative learning. Studied dogs
  17. 1913-John Watson
    Clean cut. He was a behaviorist. Only behavior meant something
  18. Perception
    Mental process. How you see things. Just because you think it's so doesn't make it so. Perception may not be true.
  19. Nature
    biological-wired in or born with
  20. Nurture
    born with nothing and everything is learned
  21. 6 Perspectives of Nature vs. Nurture
    • 1.Biological
    • 2. Psychoanalytical
    • 3.Behavioral
    • 4. Humanism
    • 5. Cognitive
    • 6. Social Cultural
  22. Biological
    Darwin-how tings are set up inside of us. Born that way. NATURE
  23. Psychoanalytical
    • Freud's statement. Unconscious drives that control us, rule our lives and cause us to do certain things.
    • 2 Drives--Sex and Aggression
  24. Behavioral
    • stimulus and response--Reaction not choice
  25. Humanism
    • Choices and responsibilities-I make my choices and I am responsible for my actions.
  26. Cognitive
    thinking-mental processes-thought, justification, perception, feeling

  27. Social Cultural
    • People are different in different cultures
  28. Scientific Attitide
    • 1. Open minded skepticism-How you want your scientist to be. Yes they are skeptical but will still try it.
    • 2. Scientific Humility-Scientists to tell the truth
    • 3. Critical Thinking-evidence over anecdotal. Experiment over intuition. Discipline over lazy hunches
  29. Scientific Method
    • 1. Theory-explanation organized and predicts behavior
    • 2. Hypothesis-testable theory
    • 3. Replication-repeating the same study using different subjects
  30. Case studies (descriptive)
    • very popular
    • time consuming
    • individual subjects may no be representative of the whole
  31. Surveys (descriptive)
    • looks at manyu subjects
    • wording
    • random sampling needed to be valid
    • sometimes used to bias the listener to one way of thinking
  32. Naturalistic Observation
    • fairly popular
    • use real life illustrationss
    • largely emphirical
    • dependant of the observer's personal experience
    • means to live with or observe the subject in its natural habitat
    • EX: Gorillas in the Mist-Jane Goodall
  33. Correlation
    • Doesn't prove causation
    • -Measures Relationships
    • -Enables predicition
    • -Positive or Negative
  34. Experimentation
    • Independent Variable-factors that will be treated
    • Dependent Variable-outcome
    • Control Group-will not recieve treatment or baseline group
    • Experimental Group-Will recieve independent variable
  35. Developmental Psychology
    branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social changes throughout the life span
  36. Birth-2 yrs
    Sensorymotor-crawling then try to make sense of it by putting it in their mouth
  37. Prenatal
    • Conception
    • Joing of egg and sperm
    • Pairing of chromosomes-DNA is connected
    • Determination of sex
    • xx=female
    • xy=male
  38. Prenatal Development
    • Zygote-conception-2wks
    • Intra uterine attachment occurs
    • Embryo 2wks after fertilization -2 months
    • During this time the organs have started to develop and begin to function
    • Fetal 9wks to birth
    • Organs, facial and body features grow and mature
    • Pass 6 months survival is likely
  39. Teratogens
    potentially harmful agents that can pass through the placenta
  40. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
    Physical and cognitive abnomalities in children caused by a pregnant woman's heavy drinking. In severe cases, symptoms include facial misproportions
  41. Developmental Milestones
    optimal period shortly after birth when an organism's exposure to certain stimuli or experiences produces proper development
  42. Imprinting
    the process by which certain animals form attachments during a critical period very early in life
  43. Guilt
    • can be used as a corrective action. Emotion we can learn from
    • EX: When you hurt someone it causes you hurt
  44. Shame
    I'm so bad that I couldn't be alive. I have no redeming qualities. It is beaten into you. You get smaller and smaller. Addicts live in shame.
  45. Individualization
    be fine with who you are in you won skin
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