
  1. Analgesics
    Indicated for relief of pain; plain acetaminophen is also used as an antipyretic. ||Contraindicated for patients with hypersensitivity. ||Opioids, including codeine, fentanyl, hydromorphone, morphine and oxycodone, are also contraindicated in acute asthma or respiratory depression.
  2. Acetaminophen (schedule)
    650mg ER tabs (if pkg >50) = schedule 3|All others unlisted
  3. Acetaminophen (pharmacare coverage)
    500mg = partial (with SA required)|All others unlisted
  4. Acetaminophen (dosage and forms)
    Tabs: 325mg and 500mg|ER tabs: 650mg|Chew tabs: 80 &160mg|Susp: 80mg/ml & 160mg/5ml
  5. Acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine phosphate (schedule)
    Tylenol 1: schedule 2 (exempted codeine product)|Tylenol 2 & 3: schedule 1 (verbal rx narcotic drug)
  6. Acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine phosphate (pharmacare)
    Tylenol 1: unlisted|Tylenol 2 & 3: full
  7. Acetaminophen/caffeine/codeine phosphate (dosage and forms)
    Tabs: acetaminophen 300mg, caffeine 15mg, codeine phosphate 8mg (T#1), 15mg (T#2), or 30mg (T#3)
  8. Acetaminophen/codeine phosphate (name and schedule)
    Empracet-30 (discontinued)|Ratio-Emtec 30||Schedule 1 (narcotic drug)
  9. Acetaminophen/codeine phosphate (pharmacare)
    Empracet-30: unlisted|Ratio-Emtec 30: full
  10. Acetaminophen/codeine phosphate (forms)
    Tabs: acetaminophen 300mg and codeine 30mg
  11. Acetaminophen/oxycodone HCl (name and schedule)
    Percocet & Percocet-Demi ||Schedule:1A (Narcotic)
  12. Acetaminophen/oxycodone HCl (pharmacare)
    Percocet: partial|Percocet-Demi: unlisted
  13. Acetaminophen/oxycodone HCl (dosage and forms)
    Tabs: acetaminophen 325mg & oxycodone HCl 5mg (Percocet) or 2.5mg (Percocet-Demi)
  14. Codeine phosphate (name and schedule)
    Ratio-codeine|Schedule: 1A (Narcotic)
  15. Codeine phosphate (pharmacare)
  16. Codeine phosphate (dosage and forms)
    Tabs: 15mg & 30mg|Syrup: 5mg/ml
  17. Codeine monohydrate/ codeine sulfate trihydrate (name and schedule)
    Codeine-contin|Schedule:1A (narcotic)
  18. Codeine monohydrate/ codeine sulfate trihydrate (pharmacare)
  19. Codeine monohydrate/ codeine sulfate trihydrate (dose and forms)
    ER tabs: 50, 100, 150, & 200mg of codeine
  20. Fentanyl (name and schedule)
    Duragesic|Schedule: 1A (narcotic)
  21. Fentanyl (pharmacare)
    Partial (with SA required)
  22. Fentanyl (dose and forms)
    Patch: 12, 25, 50, 75 & 100micrograms/h
  23. Hydromorphone HCl (name and schedule)
    Dilaudid|Hydromorph-Contin||Schedule: 1A (narcotic)
  24. Hydromorphone HCl (pharmacare)
    Dilaudid:|Tabs = full, syrup =partial, injectable =partial ||Hydromorph-Contin =unlisted
  25. Hydromorphone HCl (dose and forms)
    Dilaudid:|Tabs = 1, 2, 4, & 8mg|Syrup = 1mg/ml|Injection= 2mg/ml||Hydromorph-Contin:|CR caps = 3, 6, 12, 18, 24 & 30mg
  26. Morphine HCl (name and schedule)
    M.O.S.||Schedule: 1A (narcotic)
  27. Morphine HCl (pharmacare)
    Tabs: 10mg = full|SR tabs = partial|All others = unlisted||
  28. Morphine HCl (dose and forms)
    Syrup = 1mg/ml, 5mg/ml & 10mg/ml|Concentrated syrup = 20mg/ml & 50mg/ml|Tabs = 10, 20, 40, 60 mg|SR tabs= 30 & 60 mg
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