AP Ch 6 Skin

  1. Together with blood vessels, nerves, and sensory organs he skin and its associate structures form the
  2. integumentary system
  3. The outermost portion that itself is subdivided into thin layers
  4. The true skin
  5. The surface portion of the skin, the outermost cells of which are constantly lost through wear and tear
  6. New epidermal cells are produced in the deepest layer which is closest to the dermis. What is this layer called
    stratum basale or stratum germinativum
  7. As the epidermal cells die from the gradual loss of nourishment they undergo changes. the cytoplasm is replaced by large amounts of protein called
  8. By the time epidermal cells approach the surface, they are filled with keratin, horny and form the uppermost layer of the epidermis. What is this layer called
    stratum corneum
  9. Cells in the deepest layer of the epidermis produce
  10. The cells that produce a dark pigment that colors the skin are called
  11. "true skin" has a framework of elastic connective tissue and is supplied with blood vessels and nerves. what is this layer called?
  12. Portions of the dermis extend upward into the epidermis allowing blood vessels to get closer to the surface cells. These extensions are called
    dermal papillae - fingerprints or footprints
  13. The dermis rests on this layer and is sometimes referred to as the hypodermis or the superficial fascia
  14. This layer connects the skin to the surface muscles and consists of loose connective tisue and large amounts of adipose tissue
    subcutaneous layer
  15. Blood vessels that supply the skin with nutrients and oxygen and help regulate the body temperature are through this layer
    Subcutaneous layer
  16. What is the composition of the subcutaneous layer?
    Adipose tissue, artery, nerves, veins
  17. What are the accessory structures of the skin?
    Sebaceous (oil) glands, sudoriferous (sweat) glands, hair and nails
  18. These glands are saclike in structure and their oily secretion (sebum) lubricates the skin and hair and prevents drying
    Sebaceous glands (oil)
  19. The glands are coiled, tubelike structure located in the dermis and the subcutaneous tissue
    Sudoriferous gland
  20. What are the functions of the sudoriferous glands?
    Cool the body and serve as a minor ecretory funtion
  21. These glands are located in the armpits and groin area
  22. What are the other 3 modified sweat glands?
    ceruminous gland in the ear canal, ciliary glands at the edges of the eyelids, and mammary glands
  23. What is the scientific name for sweat glands
    sudoriferous glands
  24. 5. Locate the hair shaft, root and follicle as well as the arrector pili muscle. What does this muscle do?
    -the arrector pili muscle raises the hair on the skin and when it contracts it presses on the sebaceous gland and causes the release of sebum to lubricate the skin
  25. 6. Where are the nerve receptors located? What do they do?
    • -Nerve receptors are located in the dermis layer. they detect pain and moderate changes in temperature
    • -The touch receptor and pressure receptor respond to light touch and deep pressure
  26. 7. List the characteristics of first, second, and third degree burns. What tissue is damaged in each?
    • -first degree burns - superficial and involves the epidermis and perhaps a portion of the dermis. It is characterized by reddened tissue such as a sunburn
    • -second degree burns - deep partial thickness involves the epidermis and portions of the dermis. It is characterized by blistered and broken tissue with a weeping surface.
    • third degree burns - full thickness involves the full skin and sometimes the subcutaneous tissue and underlying tissues. It is characterized by broken, dry and pale or charred tissue
  27. What is the rule of nines?
    This is the method used to estimate percentages of body surface area in the treatment of burns
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AP Ch 6 Skin
A&P Chapter 6 Skin