Equine Anatomy

  1. Name the kingdom, phylum class, order, family genus and species of the horse.
    • K: Animal
    • P: Chordata
    • C: Mammalia
    • O: Perissodactyla
    • F: Equidae
    • G: Equus
    • S: Caballus
  2. Image Upload 2
    • 1. Heel bulb
    • 2. Periople @ bulb
    • 3. Heel
    • 4. Quarter
    • 5. Toe
    • 6. Periople
    • 7. Coronary band
  3. Image Upload 4
    • 1. Frog
    • 2. Bar of the wall
    • 3. Sole
    • 4. White line
    • 5.  Wall
  4. What is another name for the 3rd metacarpal?  What are the 2nd and 4th metacarpals also called?
    • Cannon bone
    • Splint bones
  5. What significance does the sensitive laminae have to the hoof?
    Provides the hoof wall with nutrients
  6. What two tendons flex the hoof?
    • Deep digital flexor
    • Superficial digital flexor
  7. What tendon extends the hoof?
    Common digital extensor
  8. Where is the navicular bone?
    Palmar to distal interphalangeal  joint
  9. In the equine stomach, where are ulcers most likely to form?
    Margo plicatus
  10. Why can a horse not eructate/vomit?
    Cardiac sphincter is very well developed
  11. Define mare
    Female after 3rd birthday w/ active repro cycles
  12. Define broodmare
    Female used for breeding
  13. Define dam
    Mare that has given birth
  14. Define stallion/stud
    Intact male b/w 2 & 3 yrs that is reproductively fertile
  15. Define sire
    Stallion which has fathered a son
  16. Define gelding
    Castrated male of any age
Card Set
Equine Anatomy
Anatomy of the horse