flower id. 8

  1. Image Upload 2
    Solidago hybrids

    Solidago; Goldenrod


    zone 2-8

    • ¨H: 3'  S: 1‘
    • ¨Bloom: summer-fall
    • ¨Flower: small, yellow flowers on large panicle
    • ¨Leaf: alternate, 2-5", obvious veins
    • ¨Culture: full sun-part shade, divide every 2-3 yrs
    • ¨Use: cut, background
  2. Image Upload 4
    Alchemilla mollis

    Lady’s Mantle


    Zone 4-8

    • žH: 2’  S: 2 ½’
    • žBloom: Summer
    • žFlower: yellow-lime, umbels
    • žLeaf: palmate, serrate
    • žCulture: Full sun, regular water
    • žUse: naturalizer
  3. Image Upload 6
    Delosperma nubigenum

    Yellow Ice Plant


    Zone 4-8

    • žH: 4”  S: spreading
    • žBloom: Summer
    • žFlower: Pink, Yellow, soft petals
    • žLeaf: Succulent
    • žCulture: full sun, drought tolerant
    • Use: Rock gardens
  4. Image Upload 8
    Geum quellyon

    Chilean Avens


    Zone 5-7

    • žH: 15”  S: 2’
    • žBloom: Summer
    • žFlower: Orange-red-yellow
    • žLeaf: Serrated, at base
    • žCulture: Full sun, regular water
    • žUse: Borders, cut
  5. Image Upload 10
    Heuchera spp and hybrids

    Coral Bells


    Zone 3-8

    • žH: 18”  S: 2'
    • žBloom: Late spring-summer
    • žFlower: Spike, small white or pink flowers
    • žLeaf: Assortment of colors, palmate
    • žCulture: Part Shade, regular water
    • Use: Bedding
  6. Image Upload 12
    Linum perenne

    Perennial Flax


    Zone 4-9

    • žH: 2’  S: 2'
    • žBloom: Spring-Summer
    • žFlower: Simple, purple
    • žLeaf: Linear
    • žCulture: Full sun, drought tolerant
    • žUse: Naturalizer, cut
  7. Image Upload 14
    Viola x wittrockiana




    • žH: 6”  S: 12”
    • žBloom: Spring-Fall
    • žFlower: colorful, assortment
    • žLeaf: Small, crenate
    • žCulture: Full sun, well drained soil
    • žUse: Bedding, containers
  8. Image Upload 16
    Amaranthus caudatus

    Love-Lies-Bleeding/Tassel Flower



    • žH: 2’  S: 1 ½’
    • žBloom: Summer-Fall
    • žFlower: Hanging colorful florets, pinks, reds, green
    • žLeaf: Smooth, colored stem
    • žCulture: Full sun, drought tolerant
    • žUse: Cut, specimen
  9. Image Upload 18
    Echinops ritro

    Globe Thistle


    Zone 3-8

    • žH: 3’  S: erect
    • žBloom: Spring-Summer
    • žFlower: round, purple-blue
    • žLeaf: Thistle-like, silver
    • žCulture: Full Sun, drought tolerant
    • žUse: Cut, specimen
  10. Image Upload 20
    Convallaria majalis



    Zone 2-7

    • žH: 6”  S:6”
    • žBloom: Spring
    • žFlower: Small, white bells
    • žLeaf: 4-6”, smooth
    • žCulture: Full-part shade, regular water
    • žUse: cut, goundcover
  11. Image Upload 22
    Aegopodium podagraria

    Bishop’s Weed


    Zone 4-8

    • žH: 6-10”   S:wide-spreading
    • žBloom: Summer
    • žFlower: Not showy
    • žLeaf: Light green and white, pinnate compound
    • žCulture: Full sun-Full shade, moderate water
    • Use: Groundcover, naturalizer
  12. Image Upload 24
    Ajuga reptans



    Zone 3-9

    • žH: 4-6”  S: Spreading
    • žBloom: Spring
    • žFlower: Spike, purple
    • žLeaf: purple-green, smooth, glossy
    • žCulture: Full-part sun, regular water
    • žUse: Groundcover
  13. Image Upload 26
    Aurinia saxatilis

    Basket of Gold


    Zone 3-7

    • žH: 8-12”  S: spreading
    • žBloom: Spring
    • žFlower: Yellow, covers the plant
    • žLeaf: Silver, pubescent
    • žCulture: Full to partial sun, well drained soil
    • žUse: Rock gardens, borders
  14. Image Upload 28
    Brassica oleracea

    Flowering Kale



    • žH: 12”  S: 12-18”
    • žBloom: N/A
    • žFlower: N/A
    • žLeaf: Cream, Green, and Purple, Rosette, ruffled leaves
    • žCulture: Full – partial sun, well drained soil
    • žUse:  Containers, borders, cut
  15. Image Upload 30
    Lysimachia nummularia

    Creeping Jenny

    Perennial Zone 3-8

    • H: 2-4"  S: spreading
    • Bloom: late spring
    • Flower: yellow, cup-shaped, profuse
    • Leaf: opposite, round, 1" long
    • Culture: not picky, propagates easily 
    • Use: groundcover
  16. Image Upload 32
    Sagina subulata

    Scotch Moss


    Zone 4-7

    • H: 2-4"  S: 12“
    • Bloom: summer
    • Flower: solitary, white, 5 petals
    • Leaf: opposite, awl-shaped needles, glossy, dense
    • Culture: sun-part shade, well-drained
    • Use: groundcover, rock gardens
  17. Image Upload 34
    Sempervivum species and hybrids

    Hens and Chicks


    Zone 3-8

    • H: 3-4"  S: spreading
    • Bloom: mid-summer
    • Flower: N/A, purple, small 1"
    • Leaf: succulent, 50-60, rosette
    • Culture: full sun, poor soil 
    • Use: groundcover, rock gardens, containers
Card Set
flower id. 8
a continuation of flower id. 1-7